7.6 Mechanisms of early detection and signposting of young people facing health risks
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Policy framework
Since 2018, the regions have tested an initiative in the children and youth psychiatric system. The initiative functions as a front-line measure before accessing the psychiatric system to ensure early diagnosis and treatment of children and young people suffering from mild mental illness. There is an increasing need for early detection and treatment in the least intrusive way, close to their everyday life and outside the psychiatric system.
In 2022, the initiative from 2018-2021 was evaluated. The evaluation showed that parents and municipalities were satisfied with the front-line measure.
In 2021, a majority in Parliament allocated an additional DKK 23 million for the 2022-2025 period.
The funding comes from the national reserve for social affairs, health and labour market initiatives (SSA-reserven). The National Board of Social Services implements the funding, and regions may apply for funding.
Several measures mentioned in section 7.5 are worth mentioning as mechanisms for the early detection of young people facing health risks.
An example of an existing front-line measure is the one established in the region of Southern Denmark. Staff from the regional psychiatric system meet with municipal staff (for instance PPR which is a pedagogical-psychological counselling offer), the school, parents and, optionally, the GP of the child/young person.
The purpose of the meetings is to discuss and decide on the specific measure to initiate to help the child/young person.
Guidance to stakeholders
On the website of the front-line measure, online guidance and webinars are offered to parents and front-line personnel in schools.
The webinars deal with anxiety, for instance, how to understand anxiety, basic principles in the treatment of anxiety and how to use the principles in schools, and tools to deal with emotions and the regulation of emotions.
Target groups
The target group for the measures in Southern Denmark is children and young people in the 6-18 age group.
The funding comes from the SSA reserve in the Finance Bill. The political parties in parliament decide how the funding should be implemented in the coming four years. The SSA reserve funds temporary pilot projects and a few organisations.