1.5 Cross-sectoral approach with other ministries
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Mechanisms and actors
Youth Policy in Hungary is a horizontal policy. Therefore, in line with the government's priorities, the actions of the different departments related to young people should be harmonised, so that youth can be presented in a unified way in decision-making. In addition, the activities of various institutions and organisations are also to be harmonised. (For more information, please see sub-chapter 1.4 Youth policy decision-making.)
The coordination and strategic planning of youth policy belongs to the Deputy State Secretariat for Young People. The Deputy State Secretary is the main actor for maintaining the inter-ministerial cooperation in youth-related policies.
Strategic Cabinet
The most important inter-governmental body in which cross-sectoral coordination takes place is the Strategic Cabinet (Stratégiai Kabinet). It is one of the government's four cabinets, each of which is responsible for preparing the government's decisions and making decisions on matters that are the responsibilities of the government. The operation of the cabinets is regulated in a Government Decision.
The Strategical Cabinet is chaired by the Minister of the Prime Minister's Office. The further members are:
- the Minister of Interior,
- the minister responsible for European Union affairs,
- the Minister for National Economy,
- the minister responsible for culture and innovation,
- the minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister,
- the Minister of Public Administration and Regional Development,
- the minister or ministers who tabled the item (or, in the case of a report, submitted it), and
- the Political Director of the Prime Minister.
The tasks of the Cabinet include a wide range of objectives. The youth policy related fields are the following:
- family policy,
- higher education,
- child and youth policy,
- child and youth protection,
- public education,
- culture,
- social policy,
- social inclusion, and
- social dialogue.