1.5 Cross-sectoral approach with other ministries
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Mechanisms and actors
As stated in the Youth Board Law (available only in Greek), “the Administrative Board of the Youth Board of Cyprus shall advise, through the Minister of Education, Sport and Youth, the Council of Ministers about the configuration of a comprehensive and specialized policy on youth matters”. Given this, the Youth Board is the main authority responsible for shaping youth policy. In case other stakeholders intend to initiate a youth policy, the Youth Board of Cyprus shall “be informed on youth matters by the competent services of the ministries concerned and set out to the government its views in relation to these matters”. In this way, as stated by the law, the ministries should consult with the Youth Board of Cyprus when preparing any youth policy. Thus, the youth policy is developed and implemented according to a cross-sectoral approach.
However, till the establishment of the National Youth Strategy, this cross-sectoral approach was taking place more on an ad hoc basis. After introducing the National Youth Strategy, a more specific political commitment underpins the cross-sectoral practice in the youth policy field, as described in Section 1.4.
When it comes to the National Youth Strategy, a cross-sectoral youth working group has been established. This cross-sectoral working group includes representatives from the Youth Board of Cyprus, the Ministries, Semi-governmental Organizations, and the Commissioners. While the Youth Board has the leading role in the management of the National Youth Strategy, this cross-sectoral group basically coordinates its development and ensures a cross-sectoral approach.