1.5 Cross-sectoral approach with other ministries
Mechanisms and actors
The RS Council of Youth was established by the RS Government following the proposal of the RS Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, with the mission to give their expert opinion on issues in the field of youth policy and its implementation. The Council members are the Minister of Family, Youth and Sports, Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Minister of Labour, War Veterans and Disabled Persons' Protection, Minister of Finance, a representative of the working body dealing with youth issues of the RS People’s Assembly and three representatives of the RS Youth Council.
The RS Youth Policy 2023-2027 has ensured a multisectoral approach in the implementation of policies with defined stakeholders for each measure, which will further be developed through projects in the Action Plan for the implementation of youth policy. The RS Youth Policy encompasses a range of policies and measures defined in relevant strategies of RS, chapters, and documents relevant to the European integration process and other international obligations of RS and BiH, including the European Union Youth Strategy 2019–2027, the Council of Europe Youth Sector Strategy 2030, the United Nations Youth Strategy 2018-2030, and the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda, as well as the SDGs Framework in BiH.
The preparation of the annual action plan for the implementation of the Youth Policy is done after the policy adoption in cooperation with all stakeholders and partners involved in measures set out in the Youth Policy. Support to this process is provided by USAID, which supported the Ministry in drafting the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Youth Policy.