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1. Youth Policy Governance

1.5 Cross-sectoral approach with other ministries

Last update: 27 March 2024
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  1. Mechanisms and actors

Mechanisms and actors

The cross-sectoral approach is a basic principle of youth policy in Luxembourg which is also defined by the 2016 Youth Law.
The interministerial committee for youth (Comité interministériel de la Jeunesse) is in charge of managing the government's actions concerning the implementation of the cross-sectoral approach of youth policy. It is coordinated by the youth department. The committee is composed of representatives from different ministries responsible for Childhood and Youth, the Rights of the Child, Family, Foreign Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Development Cooperation, National Education, Work and Employment, Health, Housing, Equal Opportunities, Culture, Sports, Justice, which includes a representative from the Public Prosecutor’s office and the Police (grand-ducal regulation of 27 June 2016).

The objectives of the interministerial committee are:

  • To advise the government on projects related to youth policy and policy on children and children's rights
  • To propose measures to the government with a possible cross-sectoral approach of youth policy
  • To coordinate these measures with others that have been selected in the context of other transversal governmental strategies.

There are further working groups on specific issues. Although these working groups have no legal basis, they are important for the strengthening of cross-sectoral youth policy development. There are working groups on the following issues (among others): Housing, Youth Work, Refugees, Health, Nutrition and Physical activities, and Employment.
The Youth Pact, which guides the political action of the government in the field of youth, is an action plan that explicitly implements cross-sectoral youth policy. It sets out a series of actions led by various governmental departments.
As stated in the Youth Pact, 'The amended Youth Law of 2008 is based on the principle of an inter-ministerial and transversal youth policy. This requires regular consultation and cooperation with other ministries, as there are many bodies working for young people.' (National Action Plan for Youth 2022-2025, p. 44)