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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture

Last update: 25 March 2024
On this page
  1. Special events and activities
  2. Networks and partnerships

Special events and activities

The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship is the central actor for entrepreneurship in education. The foundation is responsible for a wide range of activities within the education system, for instance, the Danish Entrepreneurship Award, the National Championship in Entrepreneurship, and the Impact Investor Ball.

See section 3.8 for more information.

Innovation Fund Denmark invests in innovative projects. Innovation Fund Denmark arranges events, competitions, talks, and meetings, for instance, Innotalks, information campaigns at the universities in Denmark, and Morningtalks.

TechBBQ is a large, two-day tech-start-up summit with workshops, networking, and matchmaking and talks for scaleups, start-ups, tech talents, visionary corporates, and investors. The summit is funded by a wide range of private and public partners. Innovation Fund Denmark, the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Capital Region of Denmark, the Municipality of Copenhagen, and Digital Hub Denmark are among the public actors financing the summit.

Nordic start-up awards are funded by Innovation Fund Denmark, Capital Region of Denmark, and the municipality of Copenhagen.

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is a national entrepreneurship week campaign launched by the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Danish Business Authority, and Danish Association of Entrepreneurs (Dansk Iværksætterforening).

Networks and partnerships

Young entrepreneurs have the opportunity to network in many different arenas, for instance:

  • Innovative office communities
  • Development parks: Like the office communities, development parks offer a range of facilities as well as business development. The parks are organised by the association Danish Development Parks (Danske Udviklingsparker)
  • Student incubators: Today, most higher education institutions have special departments or facilities housing student start-up hubs. These are growing and the number of spinouts of universities is increasing
  • Entrepreneurship associations
  • Twenty-two national innovation networks: Provides a framework for activities and projects that can inspire new projects and technologies
  • Knowledge and cluster network: Offers knowledge and support regarding innovative ideas and financing of projects. Cluster Excellence Denmark is a national support unit for the networks and clusters in Denmark
  • Digital Hub Denmark is a digital platform to match private companies, entrepreneurs, and researchers through company-specific challenges. Digital Hub Denmark is a public–private partnership between the Danish government, the Confederation of Danish Industry, the Danish Chamber of Commerce, and Finance Denmark
  • The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship supports a network of entrepreneurship teachers, NEIS and UNIEN for those employed at a university.