6.6 Social inclusion through education and training
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Educational support
Assessment and guidance of children with special educational needs towards integrated education or towards training in special nursery schools and special schools are carried out after initial assessment by the complex pedagogical assessment teams at the regional inspectorates on education. These teams include various experts:
• special pedagogues;
• resource teachers;
• psychologists;
• speech therapists;
• teachers from general education kindergartens and schools;
• representatives of the Child Protection departments;
• other specialists if required, as well as parents of children.
Assessment is carried out at the request of parents or guardians. The head of the regional inspectorate on education approves by an order in writing the children and pupils who will be trained within the environment of general education with the appropriate resource support.
In addition to educational support for the children and pupils with special educational needs, the legislation provides measures for gifted children although they are not determined as a separate category of children with special educational needs.
The next group of people which is not legally included in the standard group of children with special educational needs, however, for which special measures are provided, are the children of migrants, the children of citizens of European Union member states, the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
Social cohesion and equal opportunities
Programmes/projects/initiatives organised by public authority and funded by the EU Fund Процедури и проекти в процес на изпълнение по Оперативна програма „Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж“ (Project and procedures part of the Operational Program Education and science for intelligence growth ) are operated by the Ministry of education and science. Increasing the capacity of pedagogical specialists to work in multicultural environment under Priority Axis 3 for the period 2017-2019 with main activities: updating the curricula in higher schools, preparing pedagogical specialists for training for effective work in multicultural educational environment (higher education only); conducting short-term trainings for teachers, pedagogical specialists and school principals and kindergartens to work in a multicultural educational environment.