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6. Education and Training

6.6 Social inclusion through education and training

Last update: 3 March 2025
On this page
  1. Educational support
  2. Social cohesion and equal opportunities

Educational support

The Strategy Document for Roma Citizens issued by the Ministry of Family and Social Services (2023-2030), including the Phase I Action Plan (2023-2025), outlines strategic objectives and targets in key policy areas such as Education, Employment, Housing, Health, and Social Services and Assistance for Roma citizens.

Strategic Aim: Increasing access to educational services for Roma children and ensuring that Roma young people successfully complete at least compulsory education.

Strategic Targets

1. Breaking loose from education that show itself as early leaving from school and absence in every stage of the compulsory education will be prevented and the ones -particularly the young people - who had to drop out of school for various reasons will be ensured to continue with their education.

2. Information level of Roma families on socio-economical benefits of education and social aids for education will be increased.

3. Roma parents and students’ social ties with school, teacher and peers will be strengthened. 

4. Roma citizens will be directed to appropriate vocational training institutions based on their skills, interests and expectations.

Social cohesion and equal opportunities

The Basic Education General Directorate under the Ministry of National Education is carrying out two projects for the use of education and training in social inclusion of the youth.

Inclusive Early Childhood Education Project for Disabled Children The project aims to contribute disabled children to participate in the social life though quality inclusive education during the period from the early childhood until the end of 1st grade, and to facilitate their employment and access to economical and social life in the long ran. Furthermore, through provision of quality inclusive education, access disabled children (3-7 years) to early childhood education and and 1st grade will be increased. The total budget for the project is 2,950,000 Euro and the pilot provinces for the project are Antalya, Bursa, Gaziantep, İzmir, Konya and Samsun.

Within the scope of the project, the "Teacher Needs Framework Draft" and the "Desktop Research Report Draft" for the Teacher Training Module have been submitted to our Directorate. Additionally, a study visit to Finland was organized between 8-12 January 2018. Efforts are ongoing to achieve the set goals of increasing access and participation rates in preschool education and first grade for children with disabilities aged 3 to 7.

SIROMA- “Technical Assistance for Promoting Social Inclusion in Densely Roman Populated Areas Project”: The project aims to facilitate the entry of Roma individuals into the labor market, particularly in regions with a high Roma population by making it easier for them to enter the workforce with social security coverage. The goal is to create a transformative movement towards increased social inclusion, supporting community well-being. In this context, providing more quality education, health, employment, social protection and social assistance services to Roma/disadvantaged individuals is among the general goals. The project was implemented between November 2015 and October 2017. The activities carried out within the project are as follows: 

  • A needs analysis study was conducted in 44 pilot schools during this period. Throughout the process, surveys were administered to 44 school principals, 447 educators, 13 school staff members, and 1261 students. The results were reported. 
  • Training was provided to 892 educators in the 44 pilot schools to enhance their knowledge and skills in combating discrimination and social exclusion. 
  • Containers were placed in the pilot schools as part of the project, equipped with educational tools and various social activity materials (chess, art supplies, etc.) to facilitate effective use by students during both in-class and out-of-class times. 
  • Seminars were organized in 12 pilot provinces with a total of 520 participants, each consisting of 40 individuals to support the implementation of community-based early childhood development models in pilot schools. 
  • A "Social Inclusion Conference" was held with the participation of various institutions and organizations.
  • Extracurricular Educational Materials were prepared. These materials were prepared separately for teachers and students at the preschool, primary school and middle school levels within the scope of social inclusion. Training sessions on the use of these materials were provided to 1211 teachers through instructional training. A pilot application of the materials was conducted.
  • Training sessions totaling 62 seminars, were conducted in 12 pilot provinces and 44 pilot schools as part of the training for teachers who would be providing education in pilot schools. These sessions aimed to support individuals implementing extracurricular educational materials for target groups in 44 pilot primary schools. 
  • Activities were carried out to facilitate middle school students' encounters with role models, guiding and supporting them in determining future career paths and educational goals. 
  •  Awareness-raising sessions were conducted through meetings with public and NGO representatives in pilot provinces focusing on education, school attendance, social inclusion, and the importance of education for parents. Project activities have been completed as of the project's end date.


Elementary School Enrichment Program (IYEP): It is a program developed to help students in the 3rd grade who were unable to achieve the required competencies in Turkish and mathematics as outlined in the curriculum in previous academic years for various reasons. The program aims to support these students in reaching the specified learning outcomes. IYEP plays a crucial role in providing early support to students who have not attained the expected proficiency in Turkish and mathematics. General objectives of IYEP are as follows: 

  • To design activities and learning experiences within the framework of IYEP to help students achieve the specified learning outcomes in Turkish and mathematics.
  • To ensure the psychosocial support of students within the scope of IYEP,
  • To prevent potential adjustment issues in subsequent educational level,
  • To increase school attendance by supporting both academic and social development,
  • To assist students included in the program to reach the expected learning level,
  • To provide the opportunity for the development of individuals who are capable of problem-solving, open to communication and learning, possess self-confidence and responsibility and become healthy and happy individuals. 

The principles of IYEP are as follows:

  • Students included in IYEP are enrolled in the program based on identified deficiencies.
  • Implementation of the program in the schools where students are receiving education is essential.
  • Measures are taken to prevent students from feeling isolated from their peers.
  • Psychosocial support is provided to students within the scope of IYEP.
  • Continuous attendance of students is ensured throughout the program.
  • No fees are charged from the parents of students under any pretext. 

The target audience of the program includes students attending the 3rd grade of primary schools who were unable to attain the specified learning outcomes in Turkish and mathematics within the scope of IYEP. Foreign nationals, refugees, migrants and children from nomadic or semi-nomadic families, as well as disadvantaged students like seasonal agricultural workers' children are all within the target audience of this program. The indirect target audience of IYEP includes classroom teachers, guidance counselors, school administrators and parents.