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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.4 Youth policy decision-making

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Structure of Decision-making
  2. Main Themes
  3. The National Agency for Youth
  4. Policy Monitoring and Evaluation

Structure of Decision-making

The National Youth and Sports Policy Document (Ulusal Gençlik ve Spor Politikası Belgesi) was prepared with a democratic and participatory method in accordance with the opinions and recommendations of public institutions and organizations, universities, non-governmental organizations, trainers and most importantly, young people. For this purpose, 17 comprehensive workshops were held at home and abroad, the 2nd Youth Council was organized, sports workshops and post Olympics evaluation meetings were held, written opinions were taken and online platforms where everyone shared their opinions and recommendations were established. A reasonable frame analysis method was used in the preparation of the Policy Document in order to determine youth and sports policies and set targets to realize these policies. Within the framework of this method, problem and target analyses were carried out.

Decision-making processes in relation to youth policy depend on participation of numerous groups which carry out studies on youth, have an impact on or affected from the policies. Youth councils are held in every four years to determine needs and problems in terms of activities related to youth services and develop suggestions in that direction.

With the introduction of new governmental system, policy councils have been formed as affiliated to the presidency. With respect to the organisational structure of decision-making mechanisms, Ministry of Youth and Sports and policy council which is responsible for youth collaborates.

Main Themes

There are 13 main policy areas in Youth Policies chapter. These main policy areas are:

  • Education and Lifelong Learning,
  • Family,
  • Ethics and Humanitarian Values,
  • Employment, Entrepreneurship and Vocational Training,
  • Disadvantaged Young People and Social Inclusion,
  • Health and Environment,
  • Democratic Participation and Civic Consciousness,
  • Culture and Art,
  • Science and Technology,
  • Youth in the International Area and Intercultural Dialogue,
  • Utilizing Free Time,
  • Informing Young People,
  • Voluntary Work and Mobility.

There are 7 main policy areas in Sports Policies chapter. These policy areas are:

  • Sports Management,
  • Sports Culture and Sports For All,
  • Training Elite Athletes,
  • Sports Law,
  • Disadvantaged People and Sports,
  • Athletes’ Health,
  • International Sports Organizations and Olympics.

The National Agency for Youth

Ministry of Youth and Sports (Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı) has undertaken the mission to coordinate the studies on strengthening the youth and youth inclusion which should be carried out by the National Agency for Youth.

Policy Monitoring and Evaluation

Objectives and activities of the Strategic Plans required by the Law No 5018 (5018 nolu Yasa) as well as Policy Documents, Strategic Documents and Actions Plans which are the milestones for the Employment and Entrepreneurship industry are determined together with their terms and indicator criteria. A given objective and activity is assessed by means of term and indicator criteria by taking into account performance data and feedbacks from establishments responsible for such objective and activity. The strategic plans shall cover a five-year period. The Performance Program ensures determination of annual objectives and indicators by respecting mission and vision of the Strategic Plan. In this sense, the Activity Reports ensure monitoring and assessment by providing outcomes of annual objectives and indicators. The activity reports cover outcomes of the activities and projects, performance objectives and their achievement, deviations in the performance indicators and their reasons and solution offers. 

The authority responsible for the coordination and implementation of the strategy is the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The Ministry of Youth and Sports annually asks the institutions what they do in relation to related policies and targets by means of the implementation and monitoring plan. The Ministry draws up the activity report in accordance with the data obtained from the institutions.