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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.4 Youth policy decision-making

Last update: 6 March 2024
On this page
  1. Structure of Decision-making
  2. Main Themes
  3. Policy monitoring and evaluation

Structure of Decision-making

The structure of Lithuanian youth policy decision-making is illustrated in this scheme:

The activities of structures of youth policy in Lithuania are governed by the Law on Youth Policy Framework of the Republic of Lithuania. This law establishes the main terms of youth policy and the principles of its implementation as well as defines the areas of youth policy.


The main functions of the Commission for Youth and Sports Affairs  of the Seimas (National Parliament ) of the Republic of Lithuania are to take care of youth rights, the formation of state youth policy, and to exercise parliamentary control of institutions and bodies implementing youth policy. The Commission has the following task of framing and implementing the state youth policy and the state sports policy. It is also concerned about the rights of youth, implementation of the state youth policy, giving suggestions on the implementation of objectives and performing parliamentary control, and listening to the announcements of ministries and other state institutions  such as Agency of Youth Affairs, as well as assesses the information received. 


The coordination and implementation of youth policy in Lithuania is delegated to The Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania. It supervises the implementation of the Law on Youth Policy Framework as well as the implementation of youth policy measures adopted by the EU Commission.


The Agency of Youth Affairs implements the objectives of the state youth policy, and supervises the implementation of the Law on Youth Policy Framework. Its main functions are political, executive, and administrative. It acts as a state institution that works out and implements the state youth policy programs and measures, analyses the state of youth and youth organizations in Lithuania, coordinates the activities of the state and municipal institutions in the field of youth policy, as well as performs other activities relevant to youth, youth organizations, and organizations working with youth. The Agency of Youth Affairs also implements the objectives of the state youth policy through the application of measures to enhance the motivation and possibilities for youth to acquire education, get work, and engage in active social life; take part in the solution of youth-related problems; develop non-formal education; as well as supervise the socialization processes of youth. 


The Law on Youth Policy Framework also governs the framing and implementing of youth policy in municipalities. A permanent municipal council for youth affairs (for the duration of the term of office) or an ad hoc municipal council for youth affairs (for the examination of specific matters) may be set up by a decision of a municipal council. A municipal council for youth affairs is set up on the principle of parity from representatives of municipal institutions and agencies as well as youth organisations. A regional youth council can delegate representatives of youth organisations to a municipal council for youth affairs. 


Municipal institutions frame and implement a municipal youth policy. Different committees of Municipality Council as well as departments, institutions of Municipality Administration (educational institutions, pedagogical-psychological services, jobcentres, institutions of non-formal education (music and art schools, sports centers, etc.), youth leisure centres, cultural centres, museums, libraries, etc.) frame and implement youth policy in municipalities. 


The coordinator of youth affairs assists the municipal institutions to frame and implementing a municipal youth policy (standard functions are approved by Order No. A1-68 of the Minister of Social Security and Labour of 4 March 2008). The coordinator of youth affairs serves as a mediator between the politicians of the municipality, officers, as well as youth. Coordinators of youth affairs supervise and initiate measures, necessary for the performance of youth policy, as well as, where necessary, carry out youth surveys. With the view of due cooperation in the field of youth affairs, they furnish the institutions and persons concerned with information on the implementation of youth policy in the municipality, cooperate with the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Department of Youth Affairs, and other institutions, youth organisations, non-formal youth groups, as well as they take part in developing cooperation with the municipalities of foreign countries in the field of youth policy


Lithuanian youth organisations have a cooperative approach to the state and the political system. The Council of Youth Affairs is a collegial advisory institution, functioning under the Agency of Youth Affairs on social grounds, constituted on the basis of equal partnership from the representatives, delegated by the state institutions and the Lithuanian Youth Council (LiJOT). The task of the Council of Youth Affairs is to deal with the fundamental youth policy problems and give suggestions to the Agency of Youth Affairs on the implementation of youth policy that meets the needs of youth and youth organizations. The decisions of the Council of Youth Affairs are of advisory nature only for the Agency of Youth Affairs. The Council of Youth Affairs includes 12 members: eight representatives of the state institutions and eight representatives of youth organizations: six from (Lithuanian Council of Youth Organizations (LiJOT)) and two from (World Lithuanian Youth Union (PLJS)).


The Lithuanian Youth Council (LiJOT) is the biggest non-governmental, non-profit umbrella structure for Lithuanian national youth organizations and regional unions of youth organizations. LiJOT provides suggestions to governmental institutions which work with the problems of youth and youth organizations. LiJOT has 63 members (non-governmental youth organizations) and represents more than 200 000 young people in Lithuania. LiJOT is a full member of the European Youth Forum and is coordinating EURODESK Lithuania. 


Main Themes

The main policy themes covered by youth policy are identified taking into consideration the policy areas indicated by the EU Youth Strategy and research evidence. 


The purpose of the Action Plan of the National Youth Policy 2023-2027, adopted in 2023, is to determine measures for strengthening the implementation of the national youth policy, in order to ensure inter-agency cooperation between the public, private and non-governmental sectors, to create the infrastructure necessary for the implementation of a coherent, fact-based and knowledge-based youth policy.. Three goals are identified in the Action Plan:

  • Goal 1: to ensure youth social inclusion, welfare and global citizenship education.

  • Goal 2: implement a gradually developed, efective, youth needs-oriented, evidence-based youth policy.

  • Goal 3: Strive for successful integration of youth in the labor market and education system.


Policy monitoring and evaluation

Evaluation and monitoring criteria for the implementation of goals and means of youth policy are laid down in the Action Plan of the National Youth Policy 2023-2027


The Action plan determines and presents the number of criteria for evaluating the tasks and results of the tasks and results of the priority and other activity areas of the implementation of the youth policy in the municipality. They include:

  1. The number of municipalities implementing summer employment programs for young people.

  2. Number of youth participating in summer employment programs.

  3. Number of tendered and funded projects promoting innovation in youth policy to create new forms of youth engagement in civic life.

  4. The number of organized trainings aimed at improving the youth work system.

  5. The number of announced and organized funding tenders for the development of various forms of work with youth.

  6. Number of projects/programs of Open Youth Centers and Open Youth Spaces selected and funded through competition.

  7. The number of scholarships selected and awarded through a competition to professionals working with youth, promoting the development of work with youth in the regions.

  8. The number of municipalities in Lithuania where youth information and counseling points operate.

  9. The number of projects/programs selected and financed through tendering for youth membership in youth organizations and organizations uniting other youth organizations.

  10. The number of municipalities in which the model of long-term voluntary activities (youth voluntary service) operates according to the descriptions approved in the municipalities.

  11. The number of announced and organized funding tenders for the implementation of international projects and fund activities.

  12. Number of organized events for municipal youth affairs coordinators (introductory trainings, conferences, meetings of the youth affairs coordinators network of municipalities).

  13. The number of municipal youth affairs councils for which training and consultations are organized as needed.


Every year by April 1, the institution implementing the youth policy submits individual recommendations for the implementation of the youth policy to the municipal administrations, on the basis of which the state (transferred by the state to the municipalities) youth policy implementation function must be ensured.


Every year by May 15, the Youth Affairs Agency submits to the Government a report on the implementation of the youth policy of the previous calendar year and recommendations on the implementation of the youth policy.