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1. Youth Policy Governance

1.4 Youth policy decision-making

Last update: 5 March 2024
On this page
  1. Structure of Decision-making
  2. Main Themes
  3. The National Agency for Youth
  4. Policy Monitoring and Evaluation

Structure of decision-making

The  General Secretariat of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning (GSVETLL) is the main governmental body that plans, forms and issues laws that affect the national youth policy. Its mission is planning, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating policies, actions and programmes in the respective fields, with no discrimination or exclusion.

Its main purpose is:

  • to offer modern skills, adapted to the actual needs of the labor market,
  • to increase employment in new, high quality jobs,
  • to better organize and improve competitiveness of the Greek economy,
  • to promote personal development,
  • to upgrade citizens' rights,
  • to ensure the rights and equal opportunities of young people, for their smooth integration into the educational, social and economic life of the country.

Law 4763/2020 led to changes in the structure and organisation of the GSVETLL, by adding the youth sector under its jurisdiction. A new model of youth support was created, which fosters collaboration with municipalities to promote the active participation of young people at local level, support of youth organisations through EU an national programmes, participation in the EU Youth Dialogue, volunteering, youth work, cultural and artistic creativity of young people.

The GSEVETLL consists of the following departments:

  • Department A’ for Planning and Implementation of Policies and Development Actions for the youth,
  • Department B’ for Culture and Youth Artistic Creation,
  • Department C’ for Social Participation, Volunteering and Youth Structures,
  • Department D’ for European and International Youth Affairs.

The operational objective of the Youth Directorate, which is an integral part of the new Secretariat, is the coordination and implementation of youth policy, the promotion of relevant initiatives and actions, the design, implementation and evaluation of specialised thematic programs and actions for youth.

Moreover, other ministries, such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health can affect Greek youth policies, by taking measures or voting for laws that apply to all population groups, including youth.


Main themes

The main policy themes the GSVETLL and other authorities for youth address, are in full compliance with the policy areas indicated by the EU Youth Strategy.

National youth policy is based on the principles of Active Participation and Equal access to Opportunities, in synergy with other youth policies, such as Education & Training, Employment and Social Policy.  For its implementation, the cross-sectoral approach is fundamental, in order for young people to be heard in all policy areas of concern, with an emphasis on young people with fewer opportunities, as socio-economic exclusion leads to democratic exclusion.

Youth policy measures promote and facilitate the participation of young people in democratic life, support their active participation in society, and aim to ensure that all young people have access to the necessary resources to be active members of society and enjoy work and life quality.


The national agency for youth

The Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation (INEDIVIM), supervised by the GSVETLL as National Authority (NAU), aims to implement actions, programmes and projects for Lifelong Learning and Youth, with an emphasis on supporting youth innovation and mobility. INEDIVIM is the National Agency (NA) responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps (ESC), while, starting from 2023, it will be the NA of the Erasmus+ Sport.

The Foundation has historically had a strong commitment with a dual vision:

  • Τo promote lifelong learning for all citizens, both in terms of vocational training and general adult education, laying emphasis on the participation of socially vulnerable social groups, and
  • To ensure youth empowerment and in particular to provide support to young people throughout their educational and professional development, while also supporting and promoting their mobility and stimulating innovation.


Policy monitoring and evaluation

According to Law 4622/2019 (article 27, par. 3), within the Hellenic Presidency, exists an Office for the Evaluation and Documentation of Public Policies. The Office is responsible -among others- for:

  • ensuring the uniform and systematic evaluation of government policies, in order to feed government planning with data concerning the degree of successful connection of Government policy objectives, with the ways and means of their service, based on best international practices;
  • prioritising and operationalising the policies to be evaluated, in accordance with the Government's strategic planning;
  • collecting, classifying and analysing information by policy area;
  • seeking and highlighting best practice policies and government projects by Ministry, with international indicators,
  • organisation, monitoring and coordination of public consultation, through the promotion of the participation of think-tanks.