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EACEA National Policies Platform


3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture

Last update: 20 June 2024
On this page
  1. Special events and activities
  2. Networks and partnerships

Special events and activities

Youth business fairs
Innovation camps

Junior Achievement Sweden (Ung Företagsamhet) is a non-profit organsiation providing educational programmes in entrepreneurship for compulsory and upper secondary schools. The aim is to ensure the progression of entrepreneurship education within the Swedish school system. As a part of that, Junior Achievement Sweden  provides regional Innovation Camps in collaboration with municipalities, businesses and schools. An Innovation Camp is a team competition that works for all ages. The aim is enabling a young enterprise, together with the cooperation partner, comes up with an innovative and viable solution to a real problem.  Junior Achievement Sweden also arranges an annual Swedish corporate competition for young entrepreneurs. 


Non-formal and informal learning of entrepreneurial skills

Two examples on non-formal and informal learning of entrepreneurial skills are provided in chapter 3.8 Development of entrepreneurship competence


Public relations campaign for introducing entrepreneurship to young people

There is no current public relations campaign for introducing entrepreneurship to young people. Usually, information about entrepreneurship is disseminated through Junior Achievement Sweden or through teachers in schools.



Networks and partnerships

Networks and structures at regional and national levels involved in promoting entrepreneurship culture are offered by Junior Achievement Sweden.


Initiatives bringing together public, private and civil society
Start a new business information

Almi, together with the Swedish Public Employment Service and Nyföretagarcentrum (Center for start-up companies) support less experienced young entrepreneurs in developing a business, by giving information and advice, and by offering mentors.