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EACEA National Policies Platform
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

8. Creativity and Culture

8.6 Developing entrepreneurial skills through culture

Last update: 26 December 2023
On this page
  1. Developing entrepreneurial skills through cultural activities
  2. Support young entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors

Developing entrepreneurial skills through cultural activities

The concept of entrepreneurship is becoming very important in the educational system. In 2014 the Ministry of Education and Science adopted the Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy of Macedonia 2014-2020 (Стратегија за претприемничко учење 2014-2020). The goal of the Strategy is to transform North Macedonia into a country with highly developed entrepreneurial culture and spirit that inspires everyone. The Strategy aims to introduce entrepreneurship learning in formal and non-formal education. Even though young people are not explicitly stated as beneficiary, they are clearly the main target group for the implementation of the Strategy. 

The Strategy recognizes the importance of entrepreneurial learning for development of creativity among young people. One of the objectives of the Strategy is to facilitate the development of free, open-minded, independent and proactive young generations that can explore and express their entrepreneurial potential. The Strategy acknowledges that entrepreneurial skills can support young people in the field of creative industries. After the end of the validity period of this strategy, no such strategy has been prepared for the period after 2020, and until now (November 2023) no information is available whether and when a new strategy will be prepared.

Outside the entrepreneurial study subjects in formal educational institutions, there is no information on national programmes or projects that support the development of entrepreneurial skills by participating in cultural and creative opportunities.

The Ministry of Labor and Science (Министерство за труд и социјална политика) adopted National Strategy for development of Social Enterprises in North Macedonia 2021-2024 (Национална стратегија за развој на социјалните претпријатија во Република Северна Македонија 2021-2024) and relevant action plan (АКЦИСКИ ПЛАН за спроведување на Националната стратегија за развој на социјалните претпријатија во Република Северна Македонија). According to the-strategy “Education plays an important role in developing a positive attitude towards social entrepreneurship and can significantly contribute to fostering an understanding of his specific functioning and role in society. Through the educational process, young people can learn how social enterprises function and how they contribute to social and economic processes”.

In December 2020, Skopje hosted the International Forum for Creative Cultural Entrepreneurship. The aim of the Forum was promotion of creative entrepreneurship, education for creative enterprise through interactive workshops, as well as providing networking opportunities to the participants.

The Forum was planned to tackle interest among the policy makers and other key stakeholders to provide resources and invest in policies and funds that can stimulate young people to work in the cultural and creative industries, to create networks and thus, to join their resources and talents which would lead to application of the creative entrepreneurship model.[1] 



Support young entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors

There is also one yearly event that is financially supported by one local self-government (the city of Skopje) - Skopje KREATIVA. Skopje KREATIVA is a festival that centers the development of creative industries in North Macedonia. Since 2012 the festival is organized each year in Skopje and gathers artists, cultural workers, designers from the country, the Balkan Region and EU etc. The festival involves exhibitions, workshops, training, activities for children and high-school students, design workshops and concerts.

Aside from this, cultural projects initiated by young people could be financially supported by the Ministry of Culture through the National Programme for culture. However, the National programme does not specifically make reference to creative industries and young people.