8.6 Developing entrepreneurial skills through culture
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Developing entrepreneurial skills through cultural activities
Entrepreneurial skills are first and foremost fostered throughout the formal education system. In schools, the subject "Geography and economics" is taught from 5th grade onwards. Furthermore, the project "School meets business" ("Schule trifft Wirtschaft") by the Austrian Economic Chambers (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich) provides teachers with materials, workshops and contacts to companies. This shall enable business and entrepreneurship education and financial literacy as well as career guidance in schools. It combines practice and theory in a clear, simple, and targeted way and supports holistic teaching. Moreover, for youths who take a particular interest into business, vocational secondary commercial schools (HAS) and commercial academies (HAK) teach subjects such as business administration and accounting. Further initiatives are depicted in the Austrian Youth Wiki Chapter 3.8.
A creative-industries strategy has been developed by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs in co-operation with Kreativwirtschaft Austria (KAT), the Austrian Economic Chambers and austria wirtschaftsservice (aws). About 100 creative agents from all federal provinces of Austria participated in developing the strategy and contributed input as part of a stakeholders’ workshop. It aims to strengthen Austria’s innovation system, the competitiveness of its creative industries, their transformative effect on other economic sectors, and Austria’s international image as a creative country of culture and innovation. This shall inter alia be achieved through making innovation spaces accessible to creative entrepreneurs, expanding knowledge about innovative methods, creating awareness of the creative industries in people starting in childhood, and expanding networks for peer learning. Kreativwirtschaft Austria also runs the projects 'C hoch 3', a skills and service programme and co-operation network for creative entrepreneurs.
Supporting young entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors
Jugend Innovativ (Innovative Youth)
This initiative is an annual competition for innovative ideas. Pupils and apprentices between 15 and 20 years register roughly 600 projects each year. For the most innovative project ideas in the areas of business, design, engineering, science or sustainability monetary and travel prices are offered. In addition, winners are nominated for the participation in international competitions, fairs and seminars. Jugend Innovativ supports participants on their way 'from the idea to the realisation of their project'. It promotes teamwork and interest into research and development.
Jugend Innovativ is run by the Austrian promotional bank (Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. Additional funding is provided by sponsors from the economic sector.
Cash for culture
Cash for culture (Link in German) is a promotion measure by the City of Vienna granting financial and organisational support for culture project of young people aged 13 to 23. Coaches provide support throughout the projects. Additional help is provided by experts of the regarding field. The project (inspired by the model of the City of Stockholm) shall improve the existing system of cultural funding. It offers a funding programme specifically geared to the needs and potential of young people, who receive uncomplicated and fast support of up to 1,000 euros for their art and culture projects. The project is funded by the City/province of Vienna, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, and private partners.
SMartAt Mobility
SMartAt Mobility is a digital, cultural information system, developed by SMartAt in cooperation with Federal Chancellery. It has been designed for artists, creatives of all ages and many others who live and work in Austria and abroad and/or who want to inform themselves about various issues and practical questions that workers in the creative industries face.