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EACEA National Policies Platform



Last update: 12 March 2024

Legislation and official policy documents

Act on Continued Payment of Wages and Salaries (Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 399/1974, Federal Law Gazette I No. 100/2010 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Act on Civil Services (Zivildienstgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 679/1986, Federal Law Gazette I No. 163/2020 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Act on student dormitories (Studentenheimgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 291/1986 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Act on the Employment of Disabled Persons (Behinderteneinstellungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 22/1970 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Adult Education Promotion Act (Bundesgesetz über die Förderung der Erwachsenenbildung und des Volksbüchereiwesens), Federal Law Gazette No. 171/1973 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Agriculture and forestery professional training law (Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Berufsausbildungsgesetz, LFBAG), Federal Law Gazette No. 298/1990, Federal Law Gazette II No. 59/2014 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Alien Employment Act (Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 218/1975, Federal Law Gazette I No. 113/2015 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Austrian Action Plan on Physical Activity (Nationaler Aktionsplan Bewegung), Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport, 2013 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Austrian Constitution (Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 1/1930,  Federal Law Gazette I No. 194/1999 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Austrian Employee Act (Angestelltengesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 292/1921, Federal Law Gazette I No. 152/2015 (last accessed 05/04/2023).

Austrian Labor Constitutional Act (Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 22/1974, Federal Law Gazette. I No. 71/2013 (last accessed 05/04/2013).

Basic State Law on the general rights of citizens for the kingdoms and states represented in the Imperial Council (Staatsgrundgesetz 1867), RGBl. No. 142/1867 (last accessed 20/06/2023).

Children and Youth Employment Act (Kinder und Jugendlichen-Beschäftigungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 599/1987 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Compulsory Formation Act (Ausbildungspflichtgesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 62/2016 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Council Resolution of 27 November 2009 on a renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018), OJ C 311, 19.12.2009 (last accessed 06/04/2021).

Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), 16 November 1972 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), 17 October 2003 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN‑Behindertenrechtskonvention), 13 December 2006 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Employment Act for Children and Youth (Kinder und Jugendlichen-Beschäftigungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 599/1987, BGBl. I Nr. 152/2015 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Employee Protection (ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 450/1994, Federal Law Gazette. I No. 72/2016 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Employment Safeguarding Act (Arbeitsplatzsicherungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 683/1991, Federal Law Gazette I No. 71/2013 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Equal Treatment Act (Gleichbehandlungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 66/2004, Federal Law Gazette I No. 34/2015 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

European Commission (Ed.) (2001a). Communication from the Commission: Making a European area of lifelong learning a reality. Brussels (last accessed 11/04/2023).

EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, Resolution of the Council of the European Union and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on a framework for European cooperation in the youth field: The European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027, OJ C 456, (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Federal Act on Civilian Service 1986 (Zivildienstgesetz 1986), Federal Law Gazette No. 679/1986 (last accessed 20/06/2023).

Federal Act on Corporate Staff and Self-Employment Provision (Betriebliches Mitarbeiter- und Selbständigenvorsorgegesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 100/2002, Federal Law Gazette I No. 73/2016 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Federal Act on Judicial Proceedings in Non-Contentious Matters (Außerstreitgesetz - AußStrG) (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Act on the Administration of Justice in the Case of Offences Committed by Juveniles and Young Adults 1988 (Jugendgerichtsgesetz 1988), Federal Law Gazette No. 599/1988. (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Act on the Compensation of Family Burdens through Subsidies (Familienausgleichsgesetz 1967), Federal Law Gazette No. 376/1967 (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Act on the Employment of Children and Young Persons 1987 (Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Beschäftigungsgesetz 1987), Federal Law Gazette No. 599/1987 (last accessed 20/06/2023).

Federal Act on the Labour Market Integration of Persons Eligible for Asylum and Subsidiary Protection who are Able to Work and Asylum Seekers for Whom the Granting of International Protection is Probable within the framework of an integration year (Integrationsjahrgesetz - IJG), Federal Law Gazette I No. 75/2017 (last accessed 20/06/2023).

Federal Act on the National Qualifications Framework (NQR-Gesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 14/2016 (last accessed 21/06/2023).

Federal Act on the Number, Scope and Establishment of Federal Ministries (Bundesministeriengesetz 1986), Federal Law Gazette No. 76/1986 (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Act on the Organisation of Universities and their Studies (Universitätsgesetz 2002), Federal Law Gazette I No. 120/2002 (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Act on the Promotion of Education and Upbringing outside of schools and the Promotion of Youth Work (Bundesgesetz über die Förderung der außerschulischen Jugenderziehung und Jugendarbeit, 2001), Federal Law Gazette. I No. 126/2000 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Federal Act on the Promotion of Volunteering (Freiwilligengesetz – FreiwG), Federal Law Gazette I No. 17/2012 (last accessed 20/06/2023).

Federal Act on the Principles of Assistance for Families and Educational Assistance for Children and Adolescents (Bundes-Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz 2013), Federal Law Gazette I No. 69/2013 (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Act Promoting Volunteer Work (Volunteering Law - FreiwG) (Bundesgesetz zur Förderung von freiwilligem Engagement (Freiwilligengesetz – FreiwG)), Federal Law Gazette I No. 17/2012, Federal Law Gazette I No. 43/2021 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Federal Chancellery (Bundeskanzleramt), Government Programme 2020-2024. Out of Responsibility for Austria. Government Programme 2020-2024 (Aus Verantwortung für Österreich. Regierungsprogramm 2020-2024) (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Chancellery - Department for Families and Youth (Bundeskanzleramt - Sektion Familie und Jugend), Austrian Youth Strategy (Österreichische Jugendstrategie) (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Federal child and welfare act 2013 (Bundes-Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz 2013), Federal Law Gazette I No. 69/2013 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Federal Constitutional Law (Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 1/1930, Federal Law Gazette I No. 194/1999 (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Constitutional Law on the Rights of Children (Bundesverfassungsgesetz über die Rechte von Kindern), Federal Law Gazette I No. 4/2011 (last accessed 11/04/2023).

Federal Law Gazette No.146 for the Republic of Austria amending the Civilian Service Act 1986 (Bundesgesetzblatt Nr.146 für die Republik Österreich zur Änderung des Zivildienstgesetzes 1986), issued on 28 December 2015, Part I (last accessed 20/06/2023).

Federal Ministries Act 1986 (Bundesministeriengesetz 1986), Federal Law Gazette No. 1/1930, Federal Law Gazette I No. 194/1999 (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (Bundesministerium für Digitales und Wirtschaft), Legal Information System of the Federal Republic (Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes) (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres, BMEIA), 2009, National Action Plan for Integration (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend), Federal Law Gazette II No. 495/2012. Assessment of impacts on young people in the context of impact-oriented impact assessment of regulatory and other projects (Abschätzung der Auswirkungen auf junge Menschen im Rahmen der wirkungsorientierten Folgenabschätzung bei Regelungsvorhaben und sonstigen Vorhaben) (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz) 2012, National Action Plan on Disability: Strategy of the Austrian Federal Government for the implementation of

the UN Disability Rights Convention
(last accessed 21/06/2023).

Ministry of Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection (Bundesinisterium für Soziale Sicherheit, Generationen und Konsumentenschutz), 2004, National Action Plan on the Rights of Children and Young People (Nationaler Aktionsplan für die Rechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen) (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Federal Law on National Council Elections (Bundesgesetz über die Wahl des Nationalrates), Federal Law Gazette No. 471/1992, Federal Law Gazette I No. 106/2016 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Federal Law on the OeAD GmbH (Bundesgesetz zur Errichtung der „OeAD-Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung“), Federal Law Gazette I No. 99/2008 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Federal Pupils' Representation Act (Schülervertretungengesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 284/1990, Federal Law Gazette I No. 75/2013 (last accessed 12/02/2018).

Federal Youth Promotion Act (Bundesjugendförderungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 126/2000, Federal Law Gazette I No. 136/2001 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Federal Youth Representation Act (Bundes-Jugendvertretungsgesetz), BGBl. I Nr. 127/2000, Federal Law Gazette I No. 136/2001 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Federal Student Representation Act (Bundesgesetz über die Vertretung der Studierenden), Federal Law Gazette I No. 45/2014, Federal Law Gazette I No. 97/2016 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Framework Decree on Intercultural Education (Grundsatzerlass Interkulturelle Bildung, 2017)  Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, BMB-27.903/0024-I/4/2017 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

General Social Insurance Act (Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz, ASVG), Federal Law Gazette No. 189/1955, Federal Law Gazette No. 18/1956 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Insolvency-Remuneration Protection act (Insolvenz-Entgeltsicherungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 324/1977, Federal Law Gazette I No. 113/2015 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Integration Agreement (Integrationsvereinbarung), Federal Law Gazette II No. 449/2005, Federal Law Gazette II No. 205/2011 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Interim Aid Act (Überbrückungshilfengesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 174/1963, Federal Law Gazette I No. 210/2013 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Juvenile Court Act (Jugendgerichtsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 599/1988, Federal Law Gazette I No. 154/2015 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Labour Market Policy Financing Act (Arbeitsmarktpolitik-Finanzierungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 315/1994, Federal Law Gazette I No. 62/2016 (last accessed 05/06/2023)

Labour Market Promotion Law (Arbeitsmarktförderungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 31/1969, Federal Law Gazette I No. 71/2013 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Maternity Protection (Mutterschutzgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 221/1979, Federal Law Gazette I No. 162/2015 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

New Companies Promotion Act (Neugründungs-Förderungsgesetz, NeuFöG), Federal Law Gazette I No. 106/1999, Federal Law Gazette I No. 194/1999 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Public Employment Service Act (Arbeitsmarktservicegesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 313/1994, Federal Law Gazette No. 62/2016 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Pupils Allowance Act (Schülerbeihilfengesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 455/1983 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

School Instruction Act (Schulunterrichtsgesetz, SchUG), Federal Law Gazette No. 472/1986 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Schooling Obligation Act (Schulpflichtgesetz, SchPflG), Federal Law Gazette No. 76/1985 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

School Organization Act (Schulorganisationsgesetz, SchOG), Federal Law Gazette No. 242/1962, Federal Law Gazette No. 267/1963 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Service Cheque Act (Dienstleistungsscheckgesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 45/2005, Federal Law Gazette I No. 30/2014 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Special Assistence Act (Sonderunterstützungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 642/1973, Federal Law Gazette I No. 81/2013 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Temporary Employment Act (Arbeitskräfteüberlassungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 196/1988, Federal Law Gazette I No. 44/2016 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Unemployment Insurance Act (Arbeitslosenversicherungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 609/1977, Federal Law Gazette I No. 53/2016 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Vacation Act (Urlaubsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 390/1976, Federal Law Gazette I No. 3/2013 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Vocational Training Act (Berufsausbildungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 142/1969, Federal Law Gazette I No. 78/2015 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Working Hours Act (Arbeitszeitgesetz), Federal Law Gazette No. 461/1969 ,Federal Law Gazette I No. 42/2016 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Youth Education Assurance Act (Jugendausbildungs-Sicherungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 91/1998, Federal Law Gazette I No. 82/2008; expired: 31.12.2011 (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Data and statistics

Eurostat, Child and youth population on 1 January by sex and age (2021): Eurostat, yth_demo_010 [data extracted on 24/03/2021]. 

Eurostat, Young immigrants by sex, age and country of birth (2021): Eurostat, yth_demo_070 [data extracted on 24/03/2020].

Eurostat, Youth population on 1 January by sex, age and country of birth (2021): Eurostat, yth_demo_060 [data extracted on 24/03/2021].

Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium für Finanzen), 2022. Financing budget - Disbursements: Family and Youth - Youth policy measures (Finanzierungshaushalt – Auszahlungen: Familie und Jugend – Jugendpolitische Maßnahmen) (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Institute for Advanced Studies (Institut für Höhere Studien, IHS), 2019. Student Social Survey on students in higher education (Sozialerhebung 2019), Institute for Advanced Studies (Institut für Höhere Studien, IHS) (last accessed 06/06/2023)., Current information on sexual contact between young people, sexual abuse of young people, counselling services (Aktuelle Informationen zu sexuellen Kontakten zwischen Jugendlichen, sexuellem Missbrauch von Jugendlichen, Beratungsangeboten), 2023 (last accessed 19/06/2023)., Overview of the legal capacity of children and adolescents (Übersicht der Geschäftsfähigkeit von Kindern und Jugendlichen), 2023 (last accessed 19/06/2023)., Protection of Minors in Federal Provinces (Jugendschutz in den Bundesländern), 2023 (last accessed 19/06/2023)., Regulations on criminal liability of juveniles - capacity to commit an offence (Strafbarkeit von Jugendlichen – Deliktsfähigkeit), 2023 (last accessed 19/06/2023)., Regulations for tobacco and alcohol in the individual federal states (Regelungen für Tabak und Alkohol in den einzelnen Bundesländern), 2023 (last accessed 19/06/2023).

Public Employment Service Austria (Arbeitsmarktservice, AMS), 2021. In: Overview of the Labour Market February 2021 (Übersicht über den Arbeitsmarkt Februar 2021). Vienna: Public Employment Service Austria, Department for Labour Market Research and Information (last accessed 05/06/2023.

Public Employment Service Austria (Arbeitsmarktservice, AMS), 2021. In: Situation of the Labour Market 2019 (Arbeitslage 2019). Vienna: Public Employment Service Austria (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Ratio of children and young people in the total population on 1 January by sex and age (2021): Eurostat, yth_demo_020 [data extracted on 24/03/2021].

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Household income (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Health impairments, 2019 (Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen, 2019) (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Labour Market Statistics (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Poverty and social inclusion (last accessed 05/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Annual average population (Bevölkerung im Jahresdurchschnitt) (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Data on public cultural expenditure 2018 (Kulturfinanzierung 2018) (last accessed 07/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Austria), 2021. In: Population at the start of the year 1982-2021 classified by Provinces and Citizenship (Bevölkerung zu Jahresbeginn 1982-2021 nach Bundesländern und Staatsangehörigkeit). Vienna: Statistics Austria (last accessed 26/03/2021).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Unemployed and Employment-seeking Individuals (Arbeitslose, Arbeitssuchende), 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), School attendance, 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Youth education attainment level, 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Early school leavers, 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), NEETs, 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria, Graduates and Graduations, 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), School visit (Schulbesuch), 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Social expenditure (Sozialausgaben), 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Universities, 2021 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

Statistics Austria (Statistik Österreich), Volunteer work in Austria (Freiwilligenarbeit in Österreich), 2008 (last accessed 06/06/2023).

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Studies, reports and academic publications

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Salary compass (Gehaltskompass), Public Employment Service (last accessed 06/06/2023)

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School multilingual (Schule mehrsprachig), Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (last accessed 07/06/2023).

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