9.7 Current debates and reforms
After an increase in funding for the Foreign Disaster Fund and Development Aid in 2020, these are to be increased again in 2021 (Parlamentskorrespondenz). In 2021, the federal budget estimate provides for disbursements in the amount of € 549.9 million, which means an increase of 10.9% compared to 2020. In detail, € 10.7 million more and thus € 125.1 million in budget funds are to flow into bilateral development cooperation, which are to be used for priority projects in Austrian Development Cooperation. The Foreign Disaster Fund, i.e. Austria's worldwide disaster and humanitarian aid, will more than double to € 52.5 million (2020: € 25.0 million) with € 27.5 million, by 2024 it is to increase to € 60 million.