7.6 Mechanisms of early detection and signposting of young people facing health risks
Policy framework
Establishing early detection mechanisms and guiding the signposting of young people at risk is envisaged in strategic documents listed in the previous sections.
The Strategy for Protection and Improvement of Mental Health in Montenegro for 2019-2023 specifies that it is necessary to develop existing services that can provide early detection and diagnosis of the mental health disorders of youth (including psychologists in schools, centres for mental health in a community, youth counselling centres and others). Some of the planned measures for improvement of early detection of people with mental health disorders include education of primary health service staff, education of teaching staff in schools, education and counselling of family members, individual and group therapy for adolescents with behavioural disorders and mental health disorders. It is also recognised as important to improve the activities of youth counselling centres aimed at identifying young people at risk. The latest action plan for the implementation of the youth strategy for the period 2020-2021 includes measures identified in the Strategy for the Protection and Improvement of Mental Health in Montenegro concerning early detection mechanisms.
The national strategy for sustainable development until 2030 defines, as a priority, measures to develop the efficiency of the health system and quality of healthcare and promotion of healthy lifestyles and disease prevention and control. To achieve this, a plan is to reorganise the healthcare system so that it is focused on preventive activities, to increase the budget for preventive activities, early detection of mental health disorders, prevention of misuse of psychoactive substances, early detection of non-communicable diseases and early detection of cancer.
The Law on General Education and Upbringing (Opšti zakon o obrazovanju i vaspitanju) (Official Gazette of Montenegro, Nos. 64/2002, 31/2005, 49/2007, 4/2008, 21/2009, 45/2010, 40/2011, 45/2011, 36/2013, 39/2013, 44/2013 and 47/2017) stipulates in Article 15 that educational institutions should co-operate with health institutions regarding health protection of students, especially concerning conducting regular systematic health assessment.
The policy framework does not specify how responsibilities for signposting young people at risk are assigned at the local level.
Guidance to stakeholders
Teaching staff in primary and secondary schools, psychologists and pedagogues have access to educational materials prepared in the process of implementing measures envisaged by the Strategy for the Protection and Improvement of Mental Health in Montenegro to strengthen the capacity of teaching staff in the area of early detection and intervention in mental health disorders. The materials describe the characteristics, features, changes and challenges that occur within the developmental stages of puberty and adolescence in students. The manual “My values and virtues – development of socio-emotional skills of students” contains ideas for practical exercises and workshops with students.
In November 2019, guidelines for the health sector response to children and adolescents who are victims of violence were finalized, intending to increase detection and reporting (Montenegro 2020 Report).
Target groups
The Strategy for the Protection and Improvement of Mental Health in Montenegro for 2019- 2023 recognizes adolescents as a specific target group particularly at risk.
Financial support for the objectives set out by the policy framework is provided from the budget of responsible ministries and local communities (municipalities). Funds intended for the implementation of action plans are determined depending on the planned activities and available resources.