7.8 Current debates and reforms
Since the introduction of the new Youth Act (2015) more attention has been paid to the prevention of diseases and problems of young people and parents in the field of health and wellbeing. This is due to the fact that more prevention is one of the transformation goals in the Youth Act. Municipalities try to pay (more) attention to prevention, when this was not already happening. Various knowledge institutes have, in cooperation with other partners and municipalities, developed a so-called ‘prevention matrix’. This matrix helps municipalities and local youth health organizations to organize prevention in their municipality. The Netherlands Youth Institute presented various materials in the area of prevention on their website, for example a description of the matrix and the matrix itself, information about legislation and regulation in the context of prevention, good practices in prevention and publications regarding prevention.
More attention is also being paid to the transition from youth to adulthood at the age of 18. Young people between the ages of 16 to 27 who are not able to develop into adults independently or with support from their network, need special attention and support from municipalities. The new Youth Act (2015) changed the situation of these vulnerable young people. The Netherlands Youth Institute among others is actively engaged with this theme and offers knowledge and support to professionals and municipalities to help this group of vulnerable young people between 16 and 27 years. The knowledge and offer of support services for municipalities and professionals are accessible on the website of the Netherlands Youth Institute.