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EACEA National Policies Platform


9. Youth and the World

9.2 Administration and governance

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Governance
  2. Cross-sectoral cooperation


The main governmental authority for youth's contribution to global processes of policy implementation and follow-up is the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. Further governmental administrations as well as public and non-public actors are involved in policy-making (see: Cross-sectoral cooperation).

The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure is in charge of the development and implementation of environmental policy. The Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs within the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs is in charge of development cooperation and humanitarian affairs. The responsibilities for policymaking in these fields are at the national level.

Cross-sectoral cooperation

There are three inter-departmental authorities in charge of the definition and implementation of cross-sectoral policy:

  1. The Inter-departmental Committee for Education of Sustainable Development (CIEDD; Comité interministériel pour l'éducation au développement durable) has been set up by the council of government in 2008 in the framework of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Currently, it includes representatives from 11 ministries. It is in charge of the management of cross-sectoral cooperation and has drafted the National Strategy of Education of Sustainable Development (Apprendre le développement durable – agir pour l'avenir. Stratégie nationale d'éducation pour un développement durable). This strategy was published in 2011, the period of implementation covers the years 2011 to 2015.
  2. The Inter-departmental Commission for Sustainable Development (Commission interdépartementale du développement durable) is composed of representatives from 17 ministry departments and one administration; it is in charge of the set-up, supervision and evaluation of the government's strategy on sustainable development.
  3. The Inter-departmental Committee for Development Cooperation (Comité interministériel pour la coopération au développement) is composed of representatives of the government. Each government member delegates one representative to become a member of the committee. Among other things, the committee provides advice on the main guidelines and coherence of the development cooperation policy.

In this cross-sectoral policy no role is defined for young people. The inter-departmental authorities are composed of representatives of the ministries or government. A systematic participation of young people or representatives of youth organisations is not foreseen. 

Furthermore, the Higher Council for Sustainable Development (Conseil supérieur pour le développement durable), which gathers public and non-public stakeholders (government, NGOs, municipalities, professional chambers, etc.), is a forum for discussion on issues of sustainable development. It proposes research in the domain of sustainable development and gives advice on draft laws.