9.2 Administration and governance
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Main actors
Involving young people in global affairs was generally the task of the now defunct Ministry of Human Capacities. Currently, the Deputy State Secretariat for Young People in the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium) is responsible for youth affairs in the government. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium) is also involved (as it regularly concludes bilateral agreements that include cooperation in the youth field).
There are other deputy secretariats in the Ministry of Culture and Innovation that are relevant in the field of youth policy:
- Deputy State Secretariat for Family Affairs,
- Deputy State Secretariat for Vocational Training,
- Deputy State Secretariat for Public Collections and Cultural Development,
- Deputy State Secretary for Arts and Community Cultural Affairs.
Main public actors
There are various important actors in the field of youth policy, such as:
- the National Youth Council (Nemzeti Ifjúsági Tanács),
- the Hungarian Youth Conference (Magyar Ifjúsági Konferencia),
- the Tempus Public Foundation,
- the Educational Authority (Oktatási Hivatal).
Main non-public actors
The role of non-public actors is to represent the Hungarian students in higher education. The most important organisations are
- the National Organisation of Student Self-governing Bodies (Hallgatói Önkormányzatok Országos Konferenciája),
- Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students (Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége).
For more information on the public and non-public actors please see sub-chapter 5.3 Youth representation bodies.
Cross-sectorial cooperation
At the national level, the responsibilities and tasks of youth participation and engagement on global issues are divided between ministries, state secretariats, deputy state secretariats and the organisations mentioned above. Relevant rules, regulations and guidelines are integrated into existing policies on education, youth affairs, and volunteering.
Cross-sectoral cooperation plays an important role in the cooperation between the National Youth Council (Nemzeti Ifjúsági Tanács) and the government. The government coordinates the Council and runs programmes that give young people the opportunity to express themselves on these issues. However, it does not mean activities in global issues but provides the opportunity to discuss them. (For more information see sub-chapter 5.3 Youth representation bodies.)
Besides, cross-sectorial cooperation is observed on an ad hoc basis such as the preparation and future implementation of the National Environmental Programme until 2026 (2026-ig szóló 5. Nemzeti Környezetvédelmi Program). It requires academic and educational institutions, local governments and civil organisations to work together with the government. There are also organisations that play an important role in environmental education and awareness-raising among young people, for example
- public education institutions,
- civil organisations,
- churches,
- national parks,
- museums,
- libraries,
- media
- websites, operated by the environmental protection sector and society organisations.