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9. Youth and the World

9.2 Administration and governance

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Governance
  2. Cross-sectorial cooperation


In Slovenia governance for the policies related to the youth and the world is devided among Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth, which is under the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the second governmental Ministry of Foregin Affairs. Beside that also Centre for European Perspective is Slovenian covers youth and global issues.

Governmental authority:

  • The Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth (Urad RS za mladino) is a public authority responsible for the realisation of public interests in the youth sector at the national level. Youth dialogue falls under the auspices of this office.
  • The Ministry of Education (Ministrstvo za vzgojo in izobraževanje), the home ministry of the Office of the Republic of Sloveniafor Youth, which is responsible for the majority of actions and policies regarding youth.

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), which represents Slovenia abroad and in international organisations, monitors international political and economic relations. MFA is responsible for the development of relations between Slovenia and other states and for international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance.

Public actors are:

Non-public actors are:

Non public actors act on different global issues and work with young people through international cooperation, project and other organized activites.

  • SLOGA, a platform for non-governmental, non-profit organizations working in international development cooperation, global education and humanitarian aid.
  • The United Nations Association of Slovenia (Društvo za Združene narode za Slovenijo), a non-governmental organization that spreads the ideas and goals of the UN in Slovenia.
  • No Excuse Slovenia (Brez izgovora Slovenija), a national youth organization that aims to encourage positive social change and the personal growth of young people. Through various projects, the organization promotes and advocates sustainable development, healthy lifestyles and active citizenship among young people.

The Public Interest in the Youth Sector Act (Zakon o javnem interesu v mladinskem sektorju), the main act regarding youth, determines the distribution of responsibilities regarding youth between ministries. Article 7 determines the jurisdiction of the administrative body Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth responsible for youth, which helps represent the country in the bodies of the European Union and the Council of Europe, as well as globally, in matters relating to youth. Article 8 specifies the Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth as a consultative body that should assist with decision-making on matters of youth and the youth sector. The article 8 also specifies this council’s jurisdiction and tasks as to:

  • Propose measures in the youth sector and monitor the realization of the interests of youth in other policies at the national level.
  • Provide advice to the government and relevant ministries regarding proposals, initiatives and recommendations to strengthen the youth dimension in individual sectoral public policies.
  • Encourage the participation of young people in various consultative and co-decision bodies at the national and local levels.

Cross-sectorial cooperation

Evidence of cross-sectorial cooperation can be found on the webpage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the “Materials on development cooperation and global challenges for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools” tab, where the materials for classes are published. Education is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education. Children and youth in schools are encouraged to consider global developments and their consequences for the local environment.      

The Strategic framework for climate change adaptation (Strateški okvir prilagajanja podnebnim spremembam), adopted on 7th of December 2016, includes activities in the field of education, training and awareness raising.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is included one of the elective subjects in elementary school (Environmental education I, II and III) and represents the strategic development guideline for the education system, requiring a change in the paradigm of knowledge and values. The strategic framework is outcome of cooperation between the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Education.