4.5 Initiatives promoting social inclusion and raising awareness
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Intercultural awareness
Young people's rights
Key initiatives to safeguard democracy and prevent radicalisation leading to violent extremism
Intercultural awareness
In 2015 the minister of Social Affairs and Employment (only in Dutch) announced that a special team will be established at the Inspection of Social Affairs and Employment to tackle labour market discrimination. The team has the duty to research whether employers have a policy on discrimination. If this is not the case, employers are obliged to develop a policy against discrimination and can be fined if they do not comply.
On 31 May 2016 the minister of Social Affairs and Employment (only in Dutch) launched an anti-discrimination campaign. The campaign focused on the recruitment process of new employees. The campaign wanted to make employers and HR professionals aware of their subconscious prejudices and how these can be dealt with. The ministry of Social Affairs and Employment also launched the website on discrimination. This website provides information for employers and schools. The picture below is an example of an anti-discrimination campaign (“Cross out discrimination”). It says “I did not get an internship” (Ik kreeg geen stage) and “Cross out discrimination” (Zet een streep door discriminatie).
Young people's rights
The Kinderombudsman (Ombudsman for Children) (in English) is concerned with children between the ages of 0 and 18. It is an independent institute existing since 1 April 2011. The Ombudsman for Children provides advice to the government and Parliament regarding laws and policies that have an effect on children's rights. On November 8 2016 the Ombudsman for Children (only in Dutch) published a report about the situation regarding the transition of the social domain. This report is about the impact of the transition of the social domain on children. The Ombudsman for Children argues that municipalities and providers of youth care services should implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
A second, private initiative that fosters young people’s rights was initiated by the Kinderrechtencollectief (Child rights collective) (only in Dutch) (please see paragraph 4.2). They published a website www.kinderrechten.nl (www.rightsofachild.nl) where a lot of information is can be found on law and rights.
Key initiatives to safeguard democracy and prevent radicalisation leading to violent extremism
In 2014 the ministers of Security and Justice and Social Affairs and Employment presented the Actieprogramma Integrale Aanpak Jihadisme (Action programme Integrated Approach against Jihadism) (only in Dutch). The goals of this Action programme are threefold:
- Protect the constitutional state
- Suppress and weaken the jihadist movement in the Netherlands
- Remove the breeding ground for radicalization.
In 2016 the Netherlands Youth institute published a report that was commissioned by the ministries of Health, Welfare and Sport and Security and Justice. This report is called the (Quickscan Radicalization) (only in Dutch) and research took place in 11 municipalities. This report relates how professionals and volunteers cope with (almost) radicalized young people, how they observe these young people and what they do to prevent young people from radicalization.
The minister of Education, Culture and Science (only in Dutch) and the State secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport asked Naima Azough to be a special reporter to prevent extremism. Till the end of 2016 she will collect good examples and barriers. She will discuss her findings with experts, to enable the debate on this issue between youth care workers, social workers and education professionals.