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Legislation and official policy documents
Data and statistics
Studies, reports and academic publications
Official websites
Legislation and official policy documents
Dutch Constitution (Nederlandse Grondwet) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Dutch Constitution (Nederlandse Grondwet), Constitutional reform of 1983, Grondwetsherziening 1983, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Electoral Council (Kiesraad), Elections of the municipal council, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Acting together, Evaluation of the Action plan on Youth Unemployment, Samen in Actie. Eindrapport evaluatie actieplan jeugdwerkloosheid, 2011 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Action Programme ‘Count in with Language’, Actieprogramma Tel mee met Taal 2016-2018 (last accessed 20/11/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Action Programme for Integrated Approach against Jihadism, Actieprogramma Integrale Aanpak Jihadisme, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Almost € 500 million for internationalization Dutch education. Bijna €500 miljoen voor internationalisering Nederlands onderwijs, news item 10 December 2013 (last accessed 10/11/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Azough hands over rapport for prevention of extremism and the impact polarization to Bussemaker and van Rijn, Azough overhandigt rapport ter preventie extremisme en over de impact polarisatie aan minister Bussemaker en staatsecretaris van Rijn, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Bussemaker en van Rijn: Naima Azough starts as special rapporteur prevention of extremism, Bussemaker en van Rijn: Naima Azough aan de slag als speciaal rapporteur preventie van extremisme, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Bussemaker: Investing in Equal Opportunitites, Bussemaker: Investeren in Gelijke Kansen, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Cabinet and social partners agree on social agenda for the 21st century labour market, Kabinet en sociale partners eens over sociale agenda voor arbeidsmarket 21e eeuw, 2013 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Cabinet formation (Kabinetsformatie), Coalition ‘Faith in the future’, Regeerakkoord ‘Vertrouwen in de toekomst’), 10 October 2017 (last accessed 10/11/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Cabinet: Municipalities guide young people ‘out of focus’ to school or work, Kabinet: Gemeenten begeleiden jongeren ‘buiten beeld’ naar school of werk, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Children’s rights and youth participation: two pillars of youth policy, Kinderrechten en jeugdparticipatie: twee pijlers van jeugdbeleid, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), City Deal Care for safety in the city, City Deal Zorg voor veiligheid in de stad, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Dutch cabinet Balkenende IV, Kabinet-Balkenende IV, 2010 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Dutch response consultation social inclusion and shared EU values, Nederlandse reactie consultatie sociale inclusie en gedeelde EU waarden, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Early school leavers in the Netherlands (voortijdig schoolverlaters) (last accessed 27/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Education and internationalization Onderwijs en internationalisering (last accessed 10/11/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Education and Vocational Education Act, Onderwijs en Vakonderwijs (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Employee Insurance Agency, Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Equal Opportunities in Education, Gelijke Kansen in het Onderwijs, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), EU physical activity guidelines, EU fysieke activiteiten richtlijnen (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Evaluations, Evaluaties, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Extra rent allowance, Huurtoeslag, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Government Budget 2017, Rijksbegroting 2017, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Handling Policy information youth - About youth help, youth protection and youth reclassification, Handreiking Beleidsinformatie jeugd - Over jeugdhulpgebruik, inzet jeugdbescherming en jeugdreclassering, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Information Policy Policy Information Youth Version 3, Informatieprotocol Beleidsinformatie Jeugd versie 3, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Joint arrangements act, Wet gemeenschappelijke regelingen, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Letter to Parliament young people with debts, Kamerbrief jongeren en jongvolwassenen met schulden, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), MBO Card, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Ministry of Finance, Ministerie van Financiën, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Movement in rental housing market, Wetsvoorstel doorstroming huurmarkt, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Multi-annual Depression Prevention program, Meerjarenprogramma depressiepreventie (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Multi-annual Plan Depression Prevention version 14 February 2017, Rapport Meerjarenprogramma Depressiepreventie versie 14 februari 2017, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), National agenda on suicide prevention 2013, Landelijke agenda suïcide preventie (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), National agenda on suicide prevention 2018-2021, Landelijke agenda suïcide preventie (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), National health policy 2011-2015, Nationaal gezondheidsbeleid (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Participation Act, Participatiewet, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Policy information youth, Beleidsinformatie Jeugd, 2015 (last accessed 23/20/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), policy letter health policy 2016-2019, beleid brief gezondheidsbeleid (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Policy letter multi-annual Depression, Beleid brief meerjarenprogramma depressie preventive (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Policy on Labour Relations and Preconditions, 2013 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Regional approach youth unemployment, Regionale aanpak jeugdwerkloosheid, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), ‘ Sport and physical activity in Olympic perspective’, Sport en fysieke activiteit in Olympisch perspectief (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Tackling Youth Unemployment, Aanpak Jeugdwerkloosheid, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), The Netherlands EU Presidency, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), The state of education: education report 2011/2012, De staat van het onderwijs: onderwijsverslag 2011/2012, 2012 (last accessed 23/20/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Traineeship Programme, Rijkstrainee Programma, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Youth assistance at municipalities, Jeugdhulp bij gemeenten, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Inspectorate of Education (Inspectie van het Onderwijs) Schools are not working purposefully on social and civic shaping, Scholen werken weinig doelgericht aan sociale en maatschappelijke vorming, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Broad approach for equal opportunities in education, Brede aanpak voor gelijke kansen in het onderwijs (last accessed 19/11/2017).
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, excellence programme (kwaliteitsplan) (last accessed 20/11/2017).
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport), Youth Monitor, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Ministry of Safety and Justice (Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie), Justis, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Ministry of Security and Justice (Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid), Policy information youth for municipalities, Beleidsinformatie jeugd voor gemeenten, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Municipality of Goes (Gemeente Goes), Youth council, Jongerenraad, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Municipality of Rotterdam (Gemeente Rotterdam), Buddy project, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands Youth Institute (Nederlands Jeugdinstituut), Youth Act, Jeugdwet, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Act on stimulating internationalization of higher education and scientific research, Wet ter bevordering van de internationalisering van het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, 2017, (last accessed 10/11/2017)., Compatibility Law, Compatibiliteitswet 2001, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Compulsory Education Act, Leerplichtwet 1969 (last accessed 27/10 /2017)., Electoral Law, Kieswet, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Health Insurance Act, Zorgverzekeringswet (last accessed 2/10/2017)., Law education and vocational education, Wet educatie en beroepsonderwijs, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Law on Child care and quality measures toddler play centres, Wet kinderopvang en kwaliteitseisen peuterspeelzalen, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Law on higher education and research, Wet op hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Participation Law, Participatiewet, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Regulation Periodical Evaluation research, Regeling Periodiek Evaluatieonderzoek, 2012 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Rent Law, Burgerlijk Wetboek, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Scheme to stimulate activities that make a sustainable contribution to combating poverty and debt issues, Regeling ter stimulering van activiteiten die een duurzame bijdrage leveren aan het tegengaan van armoede- en schuldenproblematiek, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Staatsblad, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., Technical about the publication Extraordinary, Ordinary, national program for people with a disability, Technische informatie over de publicatie Gewoon Bijzonder, national programma gehandicapten, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017)., the Public Health Act (Wpg), Wet publieke gezondheid (last accessed 2/10/2017)., Youth and the social support act, Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning 2015, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Parliamentary Monitor (Parlementaire Monitor), Letter state secretary on the establishment of the National Youth Council, Brief staatssecretaris over de oprichting van de Nationale Jeugdraad, 2009 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Department of Social Affairs and Employment Rotterdam (Dienst Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid afdeling Rotterdam), Evaluation Action Plan Youth Unemployment region Rijnmond, Evaluatie Actieplan Jeugdwerkloosheid regio Rijnmond, 2011 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal), General debate, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Senate (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal), Law on strengthening administrative power, Wet versterking bestuurskracht, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Senate (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Data and statistics
CBS Statistics Netherland, 75 thousand young people at a great distance from the labour market, Statistics Netherlands, news item 2/4/2015 (last accessed 27/10/2017).
Cooperation Organization for Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB), Sector Reports, Sectorkamerraportages, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017)
Effectively Combating Poverty (Effectief Armoedebeleids), Frequently asked questions about the subsidy scheme poverty and debt issues, Veelgestelde vragen over de subsidieregeling armoede- en schuldenproblematiek, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
European Commission, Webgate of Eurydice, Netherlands (last accessed 27/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Facts and figures truancy, Feiten en cijfers schooluitval (last accessed 19/11/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Results campaign Omgaan met depressie (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid), Results WE CAN Young program (last accessed 2/10/2017).
HBSC report 2013, Health, welfare and eduation of young people. Gezondheid, welzijn en
opvoeding van jongeren, Universiteit Utrecht, Trimbos Instituut, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2014 (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Monitor Transition Youth (Monitor Transitie Jeugd) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
National Directorate for Practical Research (Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek) RAAK-Regulation, RAAK-regeling, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM, the Growing up healthy: Youth Health Survey report 2014, Gezond opgroeien : Verkenning jeugdgezondheid (last accessed 2/10/2017).
National Service for Identity Data (Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens), Basic registry persons, Basisregistratie personen, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Parliamentary Monitor (Parlementaire Monitor) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Participation Monitor (Medezeggenschapsmonitor) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Report depression prevention approach for risk groups (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Scientific research on STORM (last accessed 2/10/2017).
Secondary Education Councill (VO Raad), Sectoral agreement, Sector akkoord VO, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), Falling unemployment, mainly among youth, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), Municipal classification on January 1, 2017, Gemeentelijke indeling op 1 januari, 2017, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), Number of homeless people increased by 75 per cent in six years, Aantal daklozen in zes jaar met driekwart toegenomen, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), Poverty and Social Exclusion, Armoede en Sociale Uitlsuiting, 2013 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), 75 thousand young people far away from the labour market, 75 duizend jongeren ver verwijderd van de arbeidsmarkt, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), Social cohesion and welfare 2017, Sociale cohesie en welzijn 2017, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), Young people without starting qualification more often jobless, Jongeren zonder startkwalificatie vaker geen baan, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau), Informele Hulp: wie doet er wat? 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau), Seperated Worlds, Gescheiden Werelden, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Studies, reports and academic publications
Association of Dutch Voluntary Effort Organizations (Vereniging Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligerswerk), 2016. Minder gedoe voor vrijwilligers. Utrecht: NOV (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Awad, S., Metz, J. W., Koops, K., Sonneveld, J. J. J. (2017). Onderzoek naar Youth Organizing als specifieke methodiek van het grootstedelijk jongerenwerk. Portfolio Jongerenwerk aflevering 4. Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Research in Youth Organizing as a specific method in urban youth work).
Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB), professionaly guided learning path, beroepsbegeleidende leerweg (bbl) (last accessed 19/11/2017).
Council for Culture, 2014. The Cultural Survey Developments and trends in the cultural life in the Netherlands, survey, The Hague (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Council for Health and Society (Raad voor Volksgezondheid en Samenleving), 2009. Investing around children. Den Haag: Council for Health and Society. (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Council for Health and Society (Raad voor Volksgezonheid en Samenleving), 2017. Publications. Den Haag: Council for Health and Society. (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Erasmus University, Young online and connected, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Human Rights Institute (College voor de Rechten van de Mens), Annual Report, Jaarlijkse Rapportage, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Human Rights Institute (College voor de Rechten van de Mens), Insight in Inclusion, Inzicht in Inclusie, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Measure on Periodical Evaluation research, Regeling Periodiek Evaluatieonderzoek, 2012 (last accessed 19/11/2017).
Media literacy at primary school, (Mediawijsheid op de basisschool), Kennisnet & MKO 2013, brochure (last accessed 20/11/2017).
National Action Committee Secondary Education Students (Landelijk Aktie Komitee Scholieren), Final exams complaints line, Eindexamenklachtenlijn, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
National Youth Council (Vereniging Nationale Jeugdraad), Jargon brigade, Jargonbrigade, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
National Youth Council (Vereniging Nationale Jeugdraad), National youth debate, Nationaal jeugddebat, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
National Youth Council (Vereniging Nationale Jeugdraad), Policy 2016-2020, Beleidsplan 2016-2020, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
National Youth Workers’ Association (Beroepsvereniging Jong), Exploration professional code and professional registration in children and youth work, Verkenning beroepscode en beroepsregistratie in het kinder- en jongerenwerk, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands’ Ombudsman for Children (Ombudsman voor Kinderen), Children’s Ombudswoman starts children’s rights tour, Kinderombudsvrouw start kinderrechtentour, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands’ Ombudsman for Children (Ombudsman voor Kinderen), Children still encounter too many bottlenecks in youth care, Kinderen stuiten nog op te veel knelpunten in de jeugdhulp, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands’ Ombudsman for Children (Ombudsman voor Kinderen), Does appropriate education work? Werkt passend onderwijs? 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands Youth Institute (Nederlands Jeugdinstituut), Matching vulnerable young people with the labour market. Participation in society, Arbeidstoeleiding kwetsbare jeugd. Participatie in de samenleving, 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands Youth Institute (Nederlands Jeugdinsituut), Tailor-Made Route, Traject Op Maat, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands Centre for Social Development (Movisie), 2005. Jongeren en Vrijwilligerswerk: een verhaal over motivatie. Rotterdam: Movisie (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands Youth Institute (Nederlands Jeugdinstituut), 2015. Children and youth support and care in the Netherlands. Utrecht: Netherlands Youth Institute. (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Netherlands Youth Institute (Nederlands Jeugdinstituut), Youth Work in the Picture, Jongerenwerk in Beeld, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Nuffic, 2916. Outgoing student mobility in Dutch higher education, 2015-2016, report, The Hague.
Orange Foundation (Oe Fonds), More opportunities for youth, Meer kansen voor jongeren, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Program Council (Programmaraad), Trial Jobs, Proefplaatsen, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Scouting Netherlands (Scouting Nederland), Take action, Kom in actie, 2017 (last accessed 20/23/2017).
Scouting Netherlands (Scouting Nederland), Be cool! 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Tax Authority (Belastingdienst), Business Enterprise Design and Taxation, Ondernemingsvormen en Belastingheffing, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Tax Authority (Belastingdienst), Education, Educatie, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency and Young Entrepreneur (Jong Ondernemen), Projects, Projecten, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency and Young Entrepreneur (Jong Ondernemen), Social Enterprise 360, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Academic Laboratories Transformation Youth, Academische Werkplaatsen Transformatie Jeugd, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Longitudinal Effect Monitor Youth Care Plus, Longitudinale Effectmonitor JeugdzorgPlus, 2011 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Sport Impulse Youth in Low-Income Neighbourhoods, Sportimpuls Jeugd in Lage Inkomensbuurten, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Voluntary commitment for and by youth and family, Vrijwillige inzet voor en door jeugd en gezin, (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Working Effectively in the Youth Sector, Effectief Werken in de Jeugdsector, 2015 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Youth Health Care Guidelines 2013-2018, Richtlijnen Jeugdgezondheidszorg 2013-2018, 2013 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (Sociaal-Economische Raad), Link2Work, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
‘Truants Pact’, Thuiszitterspact (last accessed 1/10/2017)
Verwey-Jonker Institute (Verwey-Jonker Institute), The state of youth participation in the Netherlands 2016, De staat van jeugdparticipatie in Nederland 2016, 2016 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Volunteering Close By (Vrijwillig Dichtbij), 2017. Vrijwillig Dichtbij. Utrecht: NOV. (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Official websites
Alfa College (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Appropriate Education (Passend Onderwijs) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Association of Dutch Municipalities (Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Association of Dutch Voluntary Effort Organizations (Vereniging Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligerswerk) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Association of Netherlands Municipalities (Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Association of Teachers in Socio-Economic Subjects (Vereniging van Leraren in de Economische-Maatschappelijke Vakken) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Augeo Foundation (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Bernard van Leer Foundation (last accessed 23/10/2017).
BV Jong (last accessed 19/11/2017).
Cardea, Youth council, Jongerenraad, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Central Students Council (Centrale Studentenraad) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
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CNV Young (CNV Jongeren) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Copyrights, Auteursrechten (only in Dutch) (last accessed 20/11/2017).
Cultural Participation Fund (Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Cultural Youth Passport (Stichting Cultuur Jongerenpaspoort) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Day of youth work, Dag van het Jongerenwerk, 25 April 2017 (last accessed 19/11/2017).
DeedMob (last accessed 23/10/2017).
De Zonnebloem (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Defence for Children (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Digimeter (last accessed 20/11/2017).
Divosa, Job Agreement and Quota Act, Banenafspraak en Quotumwet, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Dutch National Agency Erasmus (Erasmus+) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
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Dutch Order of Tax Advisors (Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Dutch Students Union (Landelijke Studenten Vakbond) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Dutch VET council (MBO Raad) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
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Innovation library, (only Dutch) (last accessed 20/11/2017).
ECP Platform for the Information Society, ECP Platform voor de InformatieSamenleving (last accessed 20/11/2017).
Educational Diversity and Innovative Skills ON Entrepreneurship (EDISON) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Education Council (Onderwijsraad) (last accessed 23/20/2017).
Effectively Combating Poverty (Effectief Armoedebeleid) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Electoral Council (Kiesraad) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
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Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Employers service desk (Werkgevers Servicepunt) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Entrepreneurial Now (Ondernemend Nu) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Equal Opportunities Alliance (Gelijke Kansen Aliantie) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Erkenning van Verworven Competenties (last accessed 23/10/2017).
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Expertise centre for ICT in Education, Kennisnet (last accessed 20/11/2017).
Federation Netherlands Trade Union - Young (FNV Jong) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Forward (VoorUit) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Foundation Labour market and Education Fund (Stichting Arbeidsmarkt en Opleidingsfonds) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Foundation Labour market and Education Fund (Stichting Arbeidsmarkt en Opleidingsfonds) Youth Arrangement, Jongerenregeling, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Foundation Quality Registration Youth (Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Jeugd) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
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Government of the Netherlands (Rijksoverheid) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Human Rights Institute (College voor de Rechten van de Mens) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
HvA, Youth Spot, 2017 (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Idebate (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Ieder(in) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
IMC Weekend School (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Inspectorate Social Affairs and Employment (Inspectie SZW) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Institute Raaz (Stichting Raaz) (last accessed 23/10/2017).
Learn2Work (last accessed 23/10/2017).
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LOB (last accessed 23/10/2017).
MAEX (last accessed 23/10/2017).
MediaMasters (only in Dutch) (last accessed 20/11/2017). (last accessed 20/11/2017)., (last accessed 20/11/2017)., (last accessed 20/11/2017).
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