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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

4.4 Inclusive programmes for young people

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Programmes specific for vulnerable young people
  2. Funding
  3. Quality assurance

Programmes specific for vulnerable young people

Appropriate education and other inclusive educational programmes

Chapter 6 describes several measures to include vulnerable young people in education. One example is appropriate education (passend onderwijs), which means that schools have to offer a well-matched form of education to every pupil enrolled at their school. If a school cannot provide the education required, it is obliged to propose a better offer at another school that is part of the same regional school partnership. Paragraph 6.2 provides more information about appropriate education and its evaluation.


Inclusion on the labour market

In chapter 3, and specifically in paragraph 3.6, you can find programmes for vulnerable young people to enhance their participation in employment and entrepreneurship. Learn2Work (only in Dutch), for example, is a learning and working project supported by youth work. You can find more about this project in paragraph 3.6.

Poverty programmes

A number of (general) poverty reduction programmes and measures are described in paragraph 4.3.

Inclusion of people with mental and intellectual disabilities

The programme ‘Extraordinary Ordinary, National Programme for the Handicapped’ (Gewoon Bijzonder, Nationaal Programma Gehandicapten) is an initiative of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport). The implementation is being done by  The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw). This programme has a direct connection with the UN treaty and focuses on greater participation and empowerment of disabled people. This includes a focus on young people with disabilities. In the ‘Extraordinary Ordinary’ programme scientists, professionals in care, welfare and education, (representatives of) people with (mental) disabilities, informal carers and other stakeholders develop, spread and apply knowledge to improve care and support for people with a mental disability, multiple disabilities or an acquired brain injury. The goal is to enable people with intellectual disabilities and other conditions to function more independently and confidently in society, for example, to work and learn. This programme was introduced in 2014 and has a timeframe of ten years.

Examples of projects that are part of the programme:

  • Social participation by young adults with mild intellectual disabilities (Maatschappelijke participatie door jongvolwassenen met LVB): A study that examined whether buddy projects (Maatjesprojecten) and circles of friends (Vriendenkringen) led to independent participation of young adults with mild intellectual disabilities in society. Duration: 2018-2018.
  • Language for everyone in Maastricht (Taal voor Allemaal in Maastricht): young people with mild intellectual disabilities investigated how the municipality of Maastricht could adjust its communication to make it understandable for all citizens. Information products have been renewed and tested. Municipal employees have been trained to communicate comprehensibly. Duration: 2017-2018.
  • Learning together (Samen Leren): clients with (intellectual) disabilities are trained to give guest lectures to secondary vocational education students about their support needs. Duration: 2020-2021.


The programme ‘Extraordinary Ordinary, National Programme for the Handicapped’ (Gewoon Bijzonder, Nationaal Programma Gehandicapten) receives € 8 million, from the budget of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport) and the Ministry of Justice and Security (Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid). There is no further information on the funding of this programme.

Quality assurance

The Extraordinary Ordinary mid-term evaluation report (Gewoon Bijzonder tussentijdse rapportage) of the programme ‘Extraordinary Ordinary, National Programme for the Handicapped’ (Gewoon Bijzonder, Nationaal Programma Gehandicapten) (only in Dutch) was published in February 2019. This was requested by the ministry of  Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and was conducted by The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw).

The mid-term evaluation showed many results of the first stage of the programme, gathered on the project pages of the separate research projects. During 5 rounds of grants, 35 projects in total were funded with € 5.8 million in total. Two rounds of grants focused specifically on young people: care and support for young people with mild intellectual disabilities and the prevention of young people with mild intellectual disabilities getting into the criminal justice system. It was concluded that the second stage should focus on implementation of results, specifically aimed at municipalities, courses in secondary vocational education and at universities of applied sciences, and families and social workers of people with disabilities.

The monitoring of the projects continues until 2024. A final evaluation is expected in 2024.