3.8 Development of entrepreneurship competence
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Policy Framework
Formal learning
Non-formal and informal learning
Educators support in entrepreneurship education
Policy Framework
No information about a policy framework concerning development of entrepeneurship competence is found.
The curriculum of the Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (MBO) (Secondary Vocational Education) has been adjusted with the introduction of options that offer the possibility to directly learn entrepreneurial skills. On the website of Ondernemend Nu (Entrepreneurial Now) information is given about this new development.
An MBO education consists of a qualification part, enriched with one or more optional parts. The student can broaden his or her skills and gain more in-depth knowledge about a certain subject. The student is obliged to take an exam on the optional subjects but cannot fail as yet. The Minister of Education, Culture and Science wants to make optional subjects obligatory for getting a diploma, starting from 2018.
An optional subject get regional connection, to enable the student to strengthen his or her position on the labour market in sectors that are strongly represented in the region. E.g. for the harbour of the city of Rotterdam or the watersport industry in Friesland (a northern province in the Netherlands). An optional subject can also be directed towards moving on to a higher level in the MBO school or to Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO) (Tertiary Vocational Education), also known as University of Applied Sciences.
Platform Education 2032
As mentioned earlier in this chapter Platform Education2032 advised the Cabinet to design new, forward looking curricula. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency and Jong Ondernemen (Young Entrepreneur) developed an advice report on this topic in which they indicate that entrepreneurial education should be a basis for the future curriculum. There is an intensive cooperation between different partners such as sector organizations from education and business community to ensure relevant entrepreneurship education.
Fiscal consciousness
The Tax authority (Belastingdienst) has developed a Lespakket 'Ondernemen en belastingen' (teaching package ‘Entrepreneuring and taxes’) for students in secondary schools to increase their fiscal consciousness. It is developed in cooperation with the Vereniging van leraren in de economisch-maatschappelijke vakken (Vecon) (Association of teachers in economical-societal subjects), the Dutch Order of Tax Advisors (Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs NOB) and the Ministry of Finance. Another teaching package developed is called ‘ondernemingsvormen en belastingheffing’ (business enterprise design and taxation). This package contains a manual for teachers, assignments and a summary of the theory.
Non-formal and informal learning
The Erasmus+ programme is a large-scale initiative that gives young people the opportunity to develop their skills and competences. In the Edison Entrepreneurship project education organizations and MBO schools from The Netherlands (MBO Raad - the Dutch VET council), Alfa college - an MBO-school, and the Nationaal Expertisecentrum Leerplanontwikkeling - Netherland Institute for curriculum development) and Austria, Ireland, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom.
Educators support in entrepreneurship education
No information is found on this subject.