6.9 Awareness-raising about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work
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Information providers / counselling structures
Here are examples of Dutch organizations that provide information and counselling to raise awareness about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work:
Social Work Netherlands (Sociaal Werk Nederland)
Sociaal Werk Nederland is the branch organization for social work in the Netherlands. It works together with their members, social work organizations, to strengthen social work. Its goals are:
- To integrally support people in their self-empowerment and social participation, with their own strength and with the help of the environment;
- To stimulate active citizenship and connect volunteers and citizens, informal and formal networks and professionals;
- To offer help or make help available if self-empowerment is lacking.
BV Jong strives to guard, strengthen and stimulate children and youth work in the Netherlands. Furthermore, it lobbies for the interests of the professionals in general and for the preconditions for working professionally. Currently (October 2017), BV Jong is renewing its communication policy and developing new strategies to build networks and create a wider support platform among children and youth workers.
The Youth Spot research group of the Amsterdam Academy of Applied Sciences investigates how youth work must innovate to retain its connection to young people and society and at the same time improve in terms of professionalism and effectiveness. The research group focuses on three issues:
- development-oriented approach;
- diversity;
- participation.
The Netherlands Youth Institute is the Dutch national institute for compiling, verifying and disseminating knowledge on children and youth matters, such as child abuse, youth work, youth care and parenting support in the Netherlands. Main aim is to improve the development of children and young people by increasing the quality and effectiveness of the services rendered to them and their parents. In the NJi information file Kinder- en jongerenwerk (Children and youth work) children and youth workers can find tips and tools they can use in their work. Nji can help to improve children and youth work with:
- Research and advice;
- Getting a quality mark;
- Training, method description and implementation.
Awareness raising initiatives
National Day of youth work
Om the 25th of April 2017 the national Day of youth work (Dag van het Jongerenwerk) took place at the Amsterdam Academy of Applied Sciences. The day was organized by the Lectorate Youth Spot, BV Jong, Netherlands Youth Institute, Movisie, Social Work Netherlands and Verdiwel, with the support of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
The event was a work and exchange meeting of, by and for 250 youth workers from all over the Netherlands. Central theme of the day was ‘Connecting’: the youth worker connecting young people in the neighbourhood; connecting network partners such as the neighbourhoods police officer, social team, school and work; connecting youth workers with each other.