Cultuurcoach: Culture coach. It is a person who combines both working in school with working for a cultural organization.
Cultuur onderwijs: Cultural education. Cultuurconnectie (Culture Connection), the branch organization for professionals in arts and culture, describes the concept as follows: “Through cultural education people learn about and with culture. Cultural education encompasses various forms of culture-oriented education, or uses culture as a means of learning. Here, culture is a collective term for arts, cultural heritage and media. People develop cultural competences and talents. They do not only learn about culture, but also develop cultural skills and an open attitude towards culture.”
Doe-democratie: Do-democracy: Citizens’ own initiatives are being stimulated. Movisie, Netherlands centre for the social development, has developed a model. The model helps citizens to act, think and decide together.
Kinderombudsman: Ombudsman for Children monitors whether children’s rights are adhered to in the Netherlands by the central and local government.
Leerbedrijf: Learning company. Companies offer students a chance to learn to work in practice and what is expected of them. A professional practice coach of the company guides the students.
Maatschappelijke stage: Civic internship. Mostly part of the curriculum of schools in secondary education. For some years civic internship was obligatory by the government. It has been non obligatory for a few years. The coalition of the new cabinet (26 October 2017) wants to make it obligatory again.
Mantelzorg: Literally it means ‘Cloak care’. Care given by informal care givers to a loved one, family member, friend or neighbour.
Mantelzorger: Informal caregiver.
Niet-formeel onderwijs: Non-formal education in the Netherlands is defined in an official government document of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science as follows: “All learning activities that evolve in the course of one’s life to improve one’s knowledge, capabilities, and competences from a personal, civic, social and employability perspective.”
Positieve gezondheid: Positive health. The concept of positive health focuses less on the absence of disease and more on the strength of human beings. The full definition of positive health is: “Health is the ability of people to adapt and to choose their own direction in the light of physical, emotional and social challenges of life”. This definition is mentioned on the website, which is a governmental website about health for all age categories.
Startkwalificatie: Starting qualification. On the government website it is explained: A starting qualification is a diploma HAVO, VWO, MBO level 2 or higher. Government wants that more students get a starting qualification. That is why students in the age of 16 to 18 years are obliged to get this qualification.
Voortijdig schoolverlaters: Early school leavers in the Netherlands are pupils and students who leave school without a so-called ‘basic qualification’ (startkwalificatie).
Vrijwilligerswerk: Voluntary work. Movisie, Netherlands centre for the social development, uses the 2008 definition of Civiq (the former organization on volunteering, now part of Movisie): “Voluntary work is work that gets done unpaid and voluntarily for the benefit of other people or the (quality of) the society in general, in an organized setting.”