6.7 Skills for innovation
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Innovation in formal education
There is no implemented national policy to promote innovation in non-compulsory secondary education, ie in senior high school (General or Vocational), as well as in Post-Secondary Vocational Education and Training.
At Kindergarten, Primary and High School level, the operation of the Skills Laboratories is launched, which are instituted with the Government Gazette 3567 B '04/08/2021, aiming at enhancing the cultivation of mild skills, life skills and technology and science skills in students, however the action does not apply to further levels of education.
As stated in the Strategic Plan for Vocational Education, Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth 2022-2024, the promotion of innovation is a priority for the reform of the existing national policy for Vocational Education and Training. In this axis, the operation of Vocational High Schools (EPAL) Standards is expected, in the Greek territory as a whole, schools which will function as centers for the development and diffusion of innovation and good practices, in Vocational Education and Training, through the cooperation with research and innovation centers at national and European level.
In Greece, innovation in education is supported through STEM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Through the non-profit organization Educational Robotics & Science with the distinctive title WRO Hellas, educational actions and competitions are implemented, with the aim of introducing educational robotics in the official Greek educational system. So far, 17 Competitions have been held, with 1.272 schools equipped with the necessary equipment. 24.000 students and 4.800 teachers have participated. The Panhellenic nature of the competitions creates the framework in which free teacher training seminars on educational robotics are offered.
The Panhellenic Competition of Educational Robotics, is an action that is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sport and aims to make students understand science, programming and automation, to learn to think like engineers, to develop their ability in problem solving and expand their creativity. It includes a category for senior high school students and a category that specializes in EPAL (Vocational Senior High School) students.
At a Panhellenic level, a number of student competitions are organized, which aim at strengthening and highlighting student skills in science, engineering, technology, mathematics, computer science, etc. The competitions are organized by various organizations and are approved by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sport. The Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sport provides relevant information on the Internet Educational Portal, with similar competitions. Examples include the Stem Stars Greece Competition, the Educational Robotics Festival, the Panhellenic Student Astronomy and Space Competition.
On the Internet Educational Portal of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sport, there is material posted from projects that have been prepared in public or private Primary and Secondary Schools, in the framework of STEM actions.
Fostering innovation through non-formal and informal learning and youth work
The Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sport through the General Secretariat of Vocational Education, Training, Lifelong Learning & Youth invites young people aged 14 to 20 to participate in the National Competition for Young Scientists 2022. The National Competition for Young Scientists is open to young people aged 14 to 20. Papers are accepted from all fields of scientific research: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering, Biology, Geology, Environmental, Informatics, Medicine, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Social Sciences and other related fields.
The Ministry of National Defense organizes a Competition of Innovation and Technology, in the field of defense, with the theme "Innovation and Awareness of the Business Situation". The aim is to highlight, promote and reward innovative ideas.
Furthermore, similar competitions are organized annually in order to attract young people with innovative ideas from various bodies as well as private law bodies.
As part of promoting innovative ideas and knowledge to young people, the Researcher's Night is organized annually.