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EACEA National Policies Platform


6. Education and Training

6.7 Skills for innovation

Last update: 19 March 2024
On this page
  1. Innovation in formal education
  2. Fostering innovation through non-formal and informal learning and youth work

Innovation in formal education

2015-2019 Strategy Document of the Ministry of National Education (2015-2019 Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Strateji Belgesi) ascertains the following strategic aim regarding the innovation in education and training:

  • To enable raising of individuals that are entrepreneur, innovative, creative, with high language skills, are open to communication and learning, have self confidence and are responsible, healthy and happy by getting them acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours required by the period.

Updating works of the education programs of the compulsory courses in the Weekly Schedule of Primary Education Institutions are done by taking into consideration various strategic plans and action plans including liabilities of the Ministry of National Education and Basic Education General Directorate under it, within the scope of works to increase quality in education, in the manner that covers the 21st Century skills, adopts national and moral values, relatable with life.  Updated education programs of compulsory education will be implemented in  1-5 grades in 2017-2018 education year and all grades in 2018-2019 education year.  These education programs presents more feasible framework for the youth to discover and improve their innovative skills. In the updated education program, the following competences; 

• Communication in foreign languages

• Learning to learn

• Competence in math and competence in science/technology

• Digital competence

• Cultural awareness and expression

•Social and nationality competence

• Entrepreneurship and taking initiative

that are in the Turkey Qualifications Framework are taken as basis. It is targeted to get the mentioned basic skills acquired by the students in line with the acquisitions and explanations in the education programs.

In the 2016-2017 education year, 3357 application was made for “Innovation in Education and Training Rewards (Eğitim ve Öğretimde Yenilikçilik Ödülleri)” that is carried out for encouragement and sharing of authentic and modern practices in education and training by rewarding. First, project reports are assessed in the electronic platform by the assessors and as a result, 189 study field visits are done. After the field visits, 106 works are found worthy of Regional Reward.  

General Directorate of Innovation and Education in the Ministry of National Education which has been founded by the Presidential Decree issued on 10/7/2018 with the number 30474, has certain tasks assigned by the mentioned Decree. Among others one of its tasks is to prepare and release (or enable the preparation and releasing) films, publishings and applications designed for non-formal education and trainings by using innovative information and communication technologies. Besides, within Turkey’s Education Vision 2023 fostering of innovative practices has been identified as a main goal.

"Life Skills Training Module" created by the Ministry of Youth and Sports aims to equip youth with the qualifications required by our era. This Module aims to help young people discover their potentials,  develop interpersonal communication skills,  gain necessary qualifications for working life and gain universal values.

Within the scope of this project, the life skills required by the twenty-first century are examined and grouped under 15 titles. After this stage, young people is provided with these skills through distance education, face-to-face training, practical training, or other methods, according to the characteristics of the skills.

Through Life Skills Training Module, planning and preparation studies are carried on ensuring the transition to an online-based platform in knowledge and skill acquisition programs. Through the distance and online life skills training programs, it will be ensured that young people participate in volunteering activities that contribute to the realization of these skills in many ways and share their experiences and feelings on these activities.

In this respect, it is aimed to reinforce the educational achievements and integrate young people into the life by ensuring that they participate in different activities besides education.

In Life Skills Training Program for young people, a 120-hour training program is planned under the title of 15 main topics. Reaching 500,000 young people by 100 trainers per year and participating in 10 hours of volunteering per young person/trainee are among the goals of the program.

These titles are as follows:

1.         Self-acquaintance

2.         Self-Management Skill

3.         Communication

4.         Interpersonal Problem Solving

5.         Friendship Relations and Start a Family

6.         Preparation for Business Life

7.         Leadership and Management Skills

8.         Skills Required for Success in Business Life

9.         Thinking

10.       Academic Skills

11.       Values

12.       Culture, Art and Aesthetics

13.       Habits for Physical Health

14.       Habits for Living Accommodation

15.       Being Sensitive to the Environment and Protecting it

Fostering innovation through non-formal and informal learning and youth work

Within the scope of Youth Project Support Program of the Ministry of Youth and Sport (Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Gençlik Projeleri Destek Programı), grants for innovative and creative projects proposed by the non-governmental organisations are provided under the title “Innovative” projects.

Non-governmental organisations inform the youth by organising many educations, seminars and meetings in the field of innovation and creativity and assess their innovative ideas. 

We are Aware” Project

Ministry of Youth and Sports aims to inform the public about Islamophobia in all forms of audio-visual and written works, such as movies and music that harm our national, moral and ethical values. With this goal, the "Awareness Project" has been created, conducting awareness campaigns targeting young people to raise awareness against negative impacts such as online harassment, cyberbullying, propaganda, disrespect to religious and cultural values, violence and sexually explicit content on virtual platforms.

Awareness campaigns will be conducted through page which is integrated to serve young people.