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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.7 Funding youth policy

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. How Youth policy is funded
  2. What is funded?
  3. Financial accountability
  4. Use of EU Funds

How Youth policy is funded

Youth Policy is funded within the annual budget allocated to the Ministry of Youth and Sports from the General Budget without any specific budget discrimination.

What is funded?

Although Youth Policy is not specifically funded, Youth Policy is funded in the titles specified in the National Youth and Sports Policy Document by means of funding the service units of the Ministry which are responsible for fulfilling the duties and objectives mentioned in the above Document.

Financial accountability

Budget of the Ministry of Youth and Sports which is the highest authority in the field of youth in Turkey is audited by Turkish Court of Accounts which carries out financial audit duties on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Turkish Court of Accounts submits the reports of audits to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey each year.

Use of EU Funds

In relation to EU Funds, “Supporting Young Employment” operation is implemented under Operational Program of Improvement of Human Resources in 2007-2013 IPA 1st Term within the scope of Turkey-Europe Financial Cooperation.

In 2014-2020 IPA 2nd Term, it will be possible to develop projects for young people within the scope of “Education, employment and social policies”.

Turkey takes place in EU Programs in 2014-2020. Young employees of the related sectors can benefit from the project calls opened within the scope of programs such as Horizon 2020, Creative Europe Funding and COSME.

Especially the projects carried out within the scope of Erasmus+ Program provide important knowledge, skills and experiences to the young people. By participating in this program, young people can be foreseen to have the EVS (European Voluntary Service) experience.