1.7 Funding youth policy
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How Youth policy is funded
On a national scale the Youth Strategy 2030 establishes several actions plans, the last one to be implemented was the Action Plan 2022-2024 (Plan de Acción 2022-2024), which established a budget of 33.330.488.327,17 € in 200 measures in the different Axes of Action of the Strategy .
Besides these Plans, there is an ordinary budget for the Youth Institute (from the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda of 54,931.44 thousands of euros (Spanish National Budget 2023 – Proyecto Presupuestos Generales del Estado 2023)..
What is funded?
The budget for the Action Plan 22-23 is:
For Axis no.1 Inclusive, equitable, quality education and training and lifelong learning 10,365,094,530.03 €
For Axis no.2 Self-reliance, decent employment and youth entrepreneurship 2,576,600,967.70 €
For Axis no.3 Emancipation, housing, birth rate and life project 1,093,357,869.00 €
For Axis no.4 Integral health and quality of life 553,640,723.84 €
For Axis no.5 Young people and adolescents at serious risk of social exclusion or subject to double discrimination 43,715,514.16 €
For Axis no.6 Youth and global transformation, participation and volunteering 32,846,965.00 €
For Axis no.7 Youth mobility: emigration and return 3,010,689.00 €
For Axis no.8 Youth and the rural world 335,451,101.88 €
For Axis no.9 Knowledge management on youth reality and youth services 447,726.76 €
For Axis no.10 Youth governance and institutional cooperation 1,884,407.00 €
For Axis no.11 Young women and equality
For Axis no.12 Youth, the environment and sustainability
Financial accountability
The General Budget Law (Ley General Presupuestaria 47/2003), is the legal framework which regulates all the financing for the Ministries and Public organizations in order to implement public policies and public services. These policies should follow the Law of Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability (Ley Orgánica 2/2012 de 27 de abril de 2012). With regard to the rules for granting subsidies, the General Law of Grants is followed (Ley 38/2003 de 17 de noviembre).
Additionally, all public action is under the surveillance of the Court of Auditors, higher control body of the Spanish Public Administration. This organization depends on the Spanish Parliament. Most of the budgetary and financial supervision activities are done through a public audit. As a result of the inspection, the number of infractions, abuses o irregular practices will be taken in to account as well as the supposedly responsible personnel of the faults.
Although is the only institution at a national level that monitors the Public Administration, at a regional autonomous level the Regional Organisms of External Control (Órganos de Control Externo Autonómicos (OCEX)) perform the same functions.
Use of EU Funds
In the year 2023, Spanish Administration participates of the following funds according to European Budget:
- Erasmus + funded with 26,200M€. Is the European program of the EU that supports the training, sports, education and youth efforts for the period 2021-2027.