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8. Creativity and Culture

8.7 Fostering the creative use of new technologies

Last update: 29 October 2024
On this page
  1. New technologies in support of creativity and innovation
  2. Facilitating access to culture through new technologies

New technologies in support of creativity and innovation

Education Development Centre (Ugdymo pletotes centras) is the biggest institution affiliate to the Ministry of Education and Science providing educational support in the field of pre-school, primary and general education in Lithuania. It provides educational content for teachers working in general formal and non-formal education. The methodological support database consists a bank of methodological help books, lesson plans, ideas and innovations and best practices and provides an opportunity to diversify teachers’ pedagogical activities, to find new forms and methods, and to achieve the continuous growth of vocational competence of teachers. It also contains methodological material, tasks, tests, articles, reports, reviews and summaries of studies, plans for lessons or their cycles (descriptions), methods of organizing pupils' activities, methods of assessment, records of open lessons, various projects on how to use technology to support creativity and innovation. The heads of educational institutions, teachers and assistants working in the school can share good work experience, and present examples of their pedagogical work experience to the community of educators.   

Facilitating access to culture through new technologies

Education Development Centre (Ugdymo pletotes centras) has published a methodological guidebook for teachers "Examples of Competence Training Through the Use of Technologies" by Egle Vaivadiene.  This guidebook includes methodological help for teachers on developing students' communication, cognitive, social, interpersonal initiative, innovation and creativity competencies. It also includes examples of developing initiative and creativity competencies, and ways of assessing the progress of excellence in excellence and creativity as well as information sources. Besides the methodological work database includes materials for arts education (e.g. arts education methods; teaching material "On European art History” etc.), photography (e.g. open source computer programs for photography; working on photo images with photoshop; photographic laboratory hardware etc.), music (e.g. active musical teaching methods; composing the rhythmic skill in the initial stage using information and communication technologies etc.), theater and dance (e.g. methodical material "Dance in slides" etc.).