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Youth Wiki


1. Youth Policy Governance

Last update: 19 July 2024

Youth policy in Malta is primarily administered at a central level. In 2021 the Government issued the document Towards 2030: Reaching out to, working with and supporting young people. Youth policy falls under the main responsibility of the Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth, Research and Innovation within the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation. However, its transversal nature requires cross-sectoral support from other relevant Ministries.


Youth Policy in Malta looks at the young person as a resource and as such it strives to empower young people in fulfilling their potential and aspirations while addressing their needs and concerns. The National Youth Policy also projects a vision of young people who should be respected, valued and listened to and be supported and encouraged in building fulfilling personal and social relationships, in developing their innate abilities and talents for the benefit of themselves, their communities and society and in empowering them to take action on global issues.