1. Youth Policy Governance
Several pieces of legislation regulate the youth field in Slovenia. The Act on Public Interest in the Youth Sector (Zakon o javnem interesu v mladinskem sektorju) may be considered as the most comprehensive and binding official document that addresses the needs and/or rights of young people and stipulates how youth issues should be addressed. It determines the public interest in the youth sector as well as the method of its implementation. The Act identifies the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth as the public authority responsible for the youth field. It also specifies its responsibilities.
The Resolution on the National Youth Programme 2013–2022 (National Youth Programme 2013-2022) serves as an overarching strategic public document or action plan that integrates the major directions to be followed in policy making on youth matters at the national level. It is the thematic guide to youth policies and programmes. The competent ministries are responsible for the implementation of the national programme, but the Office of Republic of Slovenia for Youth is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the programme through action plans..
The Slovenian government established the Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth (Svet Vlade RS za mladino) as a cross-sectorial collaborative work in 2009. The Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth set up 4 different working groups to discuss the most relevant topics for the development of youth policy in Slovenia. These working groups can be considered as a mechanism for encouraging crosssector cooperation because they involve representatives of various ministries.
There are no national research networks on youth in Slovenia, but the Office of Republic of Slovenia for Youth cooperates with different groups of researchers. Beside the Office for Youth, there are also other public and semi-public bodies gathering data and knowledge about youth.
Apart from the European cooperation in the field of youth, Slovenia has no other cooperation with EU or EU-candidate countries. Erasmus+ programme is the most important instrument to encourage European and international cooperation among young people in Slovenia.