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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

Last update: 28 November 2023

Cultural organisations are one of the two types of organisations in Slovenia that have the biggest number of members among youth. Cultural institutions and organisations, at both national and local levels, enable young people access to facilities where they can creatively spend their leisure time, offering them a number of cultural activities, which they can join and actively participate in.

Main governmental actor in the field of culture is the Ministry of Culture, responsible for regulating matters in the sphere of culture.

There is no coherent strategy on creativity and culture for young people. However, the National Programme for Youth 2013-2022 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013-2022) has a special section on Culture, creativity, heritage and media. The Programme stresses the importance of "systematic cultural education and importance for culture to be present at all school levels and throughout the educational process, as well as public cultural infrastructure to be accessible to children and youth.”

The topic addresses several measures intended to reduce obstacles to young people’s access to culture. Implementation of measures within the Programme is a responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and local communities and authorities. Programmes, measures and policies are financed by various public actors, mostly by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, the Public Fund of Republic of Slovenia for Cultural Activities and other public institutions in the field of culture.

In Slovenia, there is no graduate or postgraduate study of cultural management offered at universities. A proposed postgraduate study of cultural policies and cultural management was also rejected. In general, the business environment for cultural management in Slovenia is poorly developed. However, according to report on Arts and Cultural Education at School in Europe, Slovenian education system comprises of the curricula that establishes a link between the development of pupils’ creativity and the importance of encouraging ‘entrepreneurial spirit’.

A new Resolution on the 2021-2028 National Programme for Culture is under preparation, the draft is expected to be prepared by the end of 2021.