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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

Last update: 28 November 2023

The most important public funded arenas offering young people the exposure to culture and creativity are arts in school education, basic art education (see Glossary) and cultural youth work. The non-governmental organisations and municipalities organise cultural activities and events for citizens of all ages, but there are also those especially offered to young people. What is preferred as culture by young people is continuously changing. The challenge is for the state aid structures to keep in step with the pace and direction young people are going. So, when it comes to young people as both the creators and consumers of culture, the government’s promise to 'support the expansion of new artistic fields in addition to the visual arts' is an important one for the next generations. Equally as important is the government’s aim of investing tens of million euros to guarantee opportunities for every child and young person a genuine opportunity to pursue a leisure activity of their choice free-of-charge (Finnish model for leisure activities). (More about the Government Programme (2019-2023) in Youth Wiki/Finland 8.3 National strategy on creativity and culture for young people).