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8. Creativity and Culture

Last update: 29 January 2024

Cultural policy in Slovakia is created in cooperation of several ministries and sectors. For the development of youth cultural policy, the most crucial is the cooperation of education and culture administrative bodies. An important role is being held out also by the authorities at local level (municipalities) and regional level as well as relevant non-profit organizations. They are responsible for the establishment of cultural and youth centres. Their strategies and supportive approach are playing an important role in youth cultural participation (8.2).  

In Slovakia, art schooling has a long-standing tradition. Formal education in the field of art is carried out as tertiary education (primary, secondary and tertiary) and falls within the competence of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic (MERDY SR).   

Basic schools of arts are platforms for development of cultural and creative interest, as well as place for discovering talents and their enhancement. Within specialized art secondary school education, the contemporary state linked-up on the original network of state conservatories and secondary artistic and technical school (ŠUP). In addition to art schools and conservatories, young people can develop cultural, creative and artistic interests and activities through the services of institutions that offer leisure activities (so-called non-professional art). A special role for finding talents have competitions and exhibitions under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic (8.5).  

Cultural vouchers are a tool to support the active interest of pupils and young people in the field of art and culture. Cultural vouchers constitute a financial discount of admission fees of the selected cultural institutions for primary and secundary scholls. Both parties, schools and cultural institutions may apply for them by registering with Cultural Vouchers subsidy programme. This programme was founded with the aim to increase the attendance rate of cultural and artistic institutions among pupils and students of primary and secondary schools and, at the same time, to promote young people's active interest in culture and the arts. Vouchers can be used to pay for cultural events, courses etc. Part of the state funding is allocated to the support of the cultural activities of disadvantaged groups and to support culture of ethnic minorities (8.3, 8.9). 

The cultural heritage digitization is considered as the largest investment project of the Ministery of Culture since the formation of the Slovakia and will exact around EUR 300 million in 2012 – 2021 (Culture Spending Review Final Report, July 2020) (8.7).  The cultural heritage project was mainly financed from the European funds. The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic considers this to be an example of good practice of the use of Eurofunds. By 2021, the Ministry of Culture must allocate almost 65 000 000 € from its own resources for the maintenance of projects, the implementation of services associated with their operation, but also the modernization of software or expansion of data storage. After this period, the Ministry of Culture will be obligated to annually allocate 13 000 000 € for the building and maintaining of technical infrastructure. The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic therefore recommended that the Ministry of Culture develops a medium-term strategy, in which measures will be defined to ensure sustainable financing of digitization projects as well as to expand the number of digitized objects.