9. Youth and the World
In Slovakia, the governance of global issues is widely spread among various ministries and public institutions, having an agenda in development aid, sustainable development and green consumption, global development education, human rights issues and the overall management of Agenda 2030. Nevertheless, only the global development education field is clearly oriented towards young people as the main target ( 9.2 ).
In global issues, the driving force are activities and initiatives of non-governmental organizations. The Slovak Non-Governmental Development Organizations Platform is an umbrella organization, influencing policy-making in the area of development cooperation and raising public awareness about global issues. The members of the platform started the tradition of a campaign and annual activities, e.g., the Global Education Week in Slovakia (9.4 ).
Practice in regard to exchanging views between young people and policy-makers is limited, and global issues were discussed in a broader extent only during preparation of the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Youth for 2014 – 2020. Although the strategy reflects the important of mobility and global education, other topics such as green production and consumption were not included into the priorities ( 9.5 ). The new Strategy for Youth for the years 2021-2028 should reflect these issues.