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EACEA National Policies Platform


6. Education and Training

6.10 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 17 May 2024
On this page
  1. Forthcoming policy developments
  2. Ongoing debates

Forthcoming policy developments

Based on the ‘Current issues’ published by The Ministry of Education and Culture on January 17th 2020, the Government is to prepare a report on education policy in the run up to 2030. The Ministry of Education and Culture has opened an online survey for everyone to collect feedback to supplement the preparations. The report, which will include the aforementioned comments, is based on, like the Ministry describes: ‘…the policies ensure that: The level of education and competence among the population can rise at all levels of education, differences in educational  achievement can diminish, and educational equality can increase; children and young people can feel well; education and training can enhance gender equality and non-discrimination in society; and Finland can be an internationally attractive place in which to study, to conduct research and to invest.’

Ongoing debates

The webpages (News 11.4.2024) of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) have also deliberated over the ongoing media discussion on ‘what could be cut from three billion euros in public spending by the Finnish Government’. The opinion of SYL is spelt out clearly: ‘SYL’s message for the Government session on spending limits: things have gone beyond reasonable’. According to SYL: ‘The cuts in housing allowance already in force affect students dramatically, reducing their income by almost a fifth by 2027. Freezing the index increase of student financial aid also means the aid is insufficient, and an increase in the state guarantee for student loans puts students even further into debt. Any further deterioration of student income would inevitably lead to more students having to rely on basic social assistance.’