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6. Education and Training

6.10 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 27 December 2024

Lithuania is reforming the teacher profession to improve its attractiveness, the quality of initial teacher training and continuous professional development.

Lithuania has a very low early school leaving rate, but students’ reading and math’s skills are below the EU average. According to national tests, almost one fifth of 16-year-olds lack basic knowledge and skills.

Lithuania has the highest tertiary educational attainment rate in the EU, but the quality and innovation outcomes of higher education, in particular the quality of teaching and provision of soft skills, and practical training in higher education remain challenges.

Only a small percentage of adults participate in lifelong learning. As vocational education and training remains an unattractive option for students and their parents, there is a need to improve its quality and cooperation with companies.

Sexual education is still in the development stage. The Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Protection of Minors from the Negative Impact of Public Information which defines the moral criteria for public information on the mental health, physical, mental or moral development of minors in order to protect them from negative impact may discourage education providers discussing sensitive issues (e.g. LGBTQI+, abortion etc.) with young persons.

One of the most important changes in recent years is the start of updated general education programs from September 2023. A new lesson - life skills, especially sexuality education, which forms a small part of its program - also raised emotions in society.

According to the new procedure for matriculation exams, from the 2024-2025 academic year, the assessment of the state matriculation exam (up to 100 points) will consist of the intermediate examination in the penultimate year (up to 40 points) and the matriculation exam in the last year in scool (up to 60 points). After adding up the points, the entire exam will be considered passed if the candidate scores between 35 and 100 points.