6.10 Current debates and reforms
One of the constant debates in terms of Education and Training in Spain is the reduced legal validity of the system, with general education laws that are reformed or replaced in accordance with the political orientation of governments. Currently, there is a dialogue initiated between the Government, other political parties, the Autonomous Regions, and the education community, to reach a Pact for Education that would make possible to achieve normative stability of the Spanish educational system. As a result of the collaboration between institutions the National Plan of Reforms 2019 manifests the intention of the current government of reforming the Organic Law of Education (Ley Orgánica de Educación, LOE) and the intention of obtaining an educational framework that will not allow substantial changes in this matter depending only on the different governments agenda every four years. As an example, in Spain we can find 6 different educational laws in the last 20 years (LOGSE, LOPEG, LOCE, LOE, LOMCE and the recently approved LOMLOE).
European Commission's 2022 Education and Training Monitor, points out that the drop-out rate has fallen sharply since 2011, with more couples (11.3%) currently on average in the European Union (8.5%). Spain has a higher rate of participation in early childhood education than the European average. The importance of social education with a sustainable approach is introduced by using the Environmental Education Action Plan for Sustainability 2021-2025 (PAEAS)
The Annual Report On the state of the Education System (2022), (Informe Anual sobre el Estado del Sistema Educativo (2022)), prepared by the State School Board (Consejo Escolar del Estado), introduces, in chapter F, proposals for improvement, pointing out reforms and guidelines to increase the efficiency of educational investment, improve the quality and efficiency of education and training, or reinforce social cohesion.