3.8 Development of entrepreneurship competence
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Policy framework
Formal learning
Non-formal and informal learning
Educators support in entrepreneurship education
Policy framework
There is neither a legal framework nor a specific national strategy applicable to the development of young people's entrepreneurship competences.
Formal learning
Since the 2022/23 school year, the School of Business Management (ECG; École de Commerce et de Gestion) has been offering a new section from grade 5 onwards of the classical secondary school curriculum in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and marketing. It aims to prepare students for future studies in management and equip them with entrepreneurial skills.
In the curricula of the upper secondary education and school-based vocational training, entrepreneurship education is optional and taught either as a separate subject or integrated in other subjects (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2016).
The University of Luxembourg offers a master's degree in entrepreneurship and innovation. The key objectives of this degree are:
- To extend the knowledge and understanding of principles of new venture creation and business start-up in different societal contexts (social, corporate, 'for profit', etc.)
- To develop critical, analytical and problem-solving skills
- To enable to understand the components of a business plan and appreciate different business and financial models as well as construct a detailed financial and marketing plan
- To advance employability skills in team work, presentation and leadership as well as facilitating intercultural communication
- To provide an understanding of the local regulatory, tax and legal issues involved when starting a new venture and access to a wide set of business networks in the Luxembourg economy.
The minister of Education, Children and Youth and the Secretary of State for Economy have presented a project Promotion of entrepreneurship at secondary schools (Promotion de l'entrepreneuriat à l'enseignement secondaire).
This project specifically aims at:
- Promoting the emergence of entrepreneurial schools in Luxembourg by fostering the link with the economic and social world
- Developing transversal skills in young people to help them engage in future entrepreneurial challenges.
Since 2021, the pilot project has focused on sustainable entrepreneurship and has been renamed Sustainable Entrepreneurial School. More than 35 activities were carried out in 12 secondary schools with the help of 13 external partners. The aim is to develop sustainable and responsible entrepreneurial skills in young people.
Five secondary schools launched a new technician training course in smart technologies in September 2019. Each school offers a specific area of specialisation: infotronic, renewable energies, robotics and automation, smart energy and e-controls.
Non-formal and informal learning
BEE CREATIVE is an initiative by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth which is coordinated by the National Youth Service and the Coordinating service for educational and technological research and innovation (SCRIPT; Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques).
The objective of the initiative is:
- To enable young people to learn how to create with the help of technical tools and new media (digital literacy)
- To promote young people's creativity, talents and entrepreneurship in the context of new information and communication technologies.
The makerspaces (E Raum fir Kreativitéit) are an integral part of the project. Makerspaces are studios situated in different secondary schools, which are open to all interested young persons. They offer the necessary infrastructure and equipment to young people so that they can develop their own digital project with professional support.
'Creative Young Entrepreneur Luxembourg' is an award of the Junior Chamber International Luxembourg (JCEL; Jeune Chambre Économique) that is presented to the most creative young entrepreneurs in Luxembourg. Young people between 18 and 40 years can apply for the award, and the campaign is organised every year.
Educators support in entrepreneurship education
There is no top-level policy to support educators in entrepreneurship education. The initiative 'young entrepreneurs' (Jonk Entrepreneuren) is publicly funded and offers many training opportunities for educators and pupils (see: 3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture).