3.8 Development of entrepreneurship competence
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Policy Framework
Formal learning
Non-formal and informal learning
Educators support in entrepreneurship education
Policy Framework
Research on the situation and opinions of youth in Spain shows a low level of motivation for entrepreneurship among Spanish youth (Youth Strategy 2030). This is the reason why the Youth Guarantee + 21-27 Plan (Plan de Garantía Juvenil Plus 2021-2027), among other measures to improve employability, introduces entrepreneurship into training programmes for employment.
Concerning education for entrepreneurship, there is no national strategy as such, it has been developed at sub-national level, with the Autonomous Regions proving to be very active.
The regulations framework for the development of entrepreneurship as attaining competence is established by the Organic Law for Education 2/2006 (Ley Orgánica de Educación 2/2006) and the amendments to the same established in the Organic Law 3/2020 (Ley Orgánica 3/2020, LOMLOE) amending the previous law, introducing the entrepreneurial sense of initiative, along with the development of contents related to entrepreneurship in the training curriculum and syllabus.
Formal learning
Although the LOMLOE establishes the framework and general orientation, education is a regional competence, thus making the Autonomous Regions in charge of introducing subjects into the training curriculum, including education for entrepreneurship. However, there are clear lines in the law. For example, in Article 25, it is stated that social and business entrepreneurship will be addressed in all subjects of compulsory secondary education. In Article 40, it is established that vocational training cycles shall promote the competence of entrepreneurship that favours the entrepreneurial spirit and personal initiative. Article 41 also states that vocational training shall ensure that students acquire skills related to digitisation, entrepreneurship and technological versatility.
The report ‘Entrepreneurship Education in the Spanish education system, 2015’ (‘La educación para el emprendimientoen el sistema educativo español. Año 2015’) drawn up by the Red Española de Información sobre Educación (Eurydice España – REDIE) presents a detailed analysis of the introduction of entrepreneurship education in the training curricula of the Autonomous Regions.
Recently, other publications have also been published on education and entrepreneurial competence which help us to understand this aspect of education in Spain.
In 2021, the guide "Creating Entrepreneurship Classrooms in Vocational Education and Training: a guide to start entrepreneurship" was published. This guide, published by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, describes the steps to follow for the implementation of Entrepreneurship Classrooms in Vocational Training centres through the Ministry's Vocational Training Modernisation Plan.
“Twenty years of entrepreneurial education (2000-2020)" was also published in 2021. This publication compiles the institutional recommendations, policy guidelines, training practices and innovations on entrepreneurship that have emerged over these two decades.
Non-formal and informal learning
The Law on support of the Entrepreneurship and its Internationalisation 14/2013 (Ley 14/2013), recognises the ‘mini-company’ or students company (Miniempresa o empresa de estudiantes) as a pedagogical tool and establishes its features. The report ‘Entrepreneurship Education in the Spanish education system, 2015’ compiles education activities and programmes for entrepreneurship using alternative approaches.
In order to recognise skills gained through volunteering, the Recognition Project (Proyecto Reconoce) has the main purpose of organising a national network of organisations promoting the recognition of skills and abilities gained through volunteering action aiming at the improvement of youth employability. The Project relies on collaboration with the Spanish Youth Institute.
When recognising entrepreneurship skills, a tool of recognition of learning in both non-formal and informal, such as EU Youth pass, is used. Another tool is the European Skills Passport, as well as Europass, which is useful for setting up an electronic portfolio of qualifications and skills.
Educators support in entrepreneurship education
Policies and initiatives of support for the development of professional skills of teachers concerning education for entrepreneurship are specifically developed within the scope of the CCAA.
The report Entrepreneurship Education in the Spanish education system, 2015 presents a detailed account of measures related to basic training and the ongoing training of teachers with a list of courses addressed to teachers: awareness-raising events, online follow-up of the implementation processes within the classroom, guidelines for the implementation of education for entrepreneurship, development of teaching materials for implementation, teacher networks for the exchange of ideas and good practice in education for entrepreneurship or support from the education centres.
The Ministry has a number of resources for teachers. Within them, there are offers for further training, where people can learn new skills or improve their existing ones. Although there are no specific modules on entrepreneurship, there are courses offered by third parties that are recognised by the Ministry. Among them we find a training given in Red.Curso and organised by ANPE Sindicato Independiente called "La iniciativa emprendedora en Educación Primaria y Secundaria" (Entrepreneurship in Primary and Secondary Education).