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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

6. Education and Training

6.9 Awareness-raising about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work

Last update: 19 February 2024

Recognizing the value of non-formal learning – BiH Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education (APOSO)

Non-formal learning refers to learning that takes place outside the time of the compulsory teaching and learning curriculum. It can take place in school, in the form of extracurricular clubs and outside of formal education, for example in sports teams. Because the goals of non-formal education are broad and varied, a range of non-formal learning activities is available. 

This article describes three successful European initiatives involving non-formal learning Non-formal activities for inclusive groups of students - "Non4mal 4 All", Youth Work eLearning Partnership project, Positive Relationships Open Tangible Opportunities for New Developments.

Information providers / counselling structures

The FBiH Employment InstituteRS Employment Institute and BD BiH Employment Institute offer various services related to the career development. One of them is support for education of employed and unemployed persons. 

Also, there are publicly recognized organizers of these activities which may include nongovernmental organizations, cultural institutions, associations, universities, career centres, consulting and training centres, private schools and other institutions registered for educational programs implementation.

Taking into consideration the suggestions of educators, the international association "Interactive Open Schools" Tuzla created a conceptual solution and established a base of teaching materials and practices under the name Virtual Education Centre of Formal and Nonformal Education. The FBiH Ministry of Education and Science recognized and supported the initiative and gave a recommendation for the use of available resources.

Awareness raising initiatives

There is no National Agency in BiH, but the promotion of the program and information about the possibilities of the program in these countries are carried out by organizations that have the function of Contact Points and are coordinated by SALTO SEE, namely PRONI Centre for Youth Development and BRAVO - Bosnian Representative Association for valuable opportunities.

One of the initiatives is the Erasmus+ program, which aims to strengthen the knowledge and skills and employability of European citizens, as well as the improvement and modernization of the system of education, training, youth and sports for the period 2021-2027. 

The program is a key component that supports the goals of the European Education Area, Action Plan for Digital Education 2021-2027