6.9 Awareness-raising about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work
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Information providers / counselling structures
Lifelong Career Guidance Centres (CISOK) provide information on professional guidance and assist in making informed decisions about education or training choices.
The Croatian Employment Service (CES) offers various services related to career development. One of these services includes support for the education of employed and unemployed individuals.
Vocational Guidance Centres (CIPS), located within regional offices of the CES, offer information on education possibilities.
The programmes and brochures utilized by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP) are aligned with those employed by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ programme, Youth in Action, and SALTO Youth Resource Centres.
Awareness raising initiatives
The Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education organises an annual Lifelong Learning Week. The goal of the event is to raise awareness about the importance of learning and education. It is an effort to motivate citizens to engage in various forms of learning and realise the existence of non-formal and informal forms of learning. The Lifelong Learning Week is not solely focused on the youth group, but it does encompass that demographic. The event features lectures, workshops, panels, open days, and similar activities. The event was first organised in 2002, and since 2008, it has become an annual occurrence.
In 2014, the National Foundation for Civil Society Development launched a pilot financial support programme that ensures institutional support for stabilisation and/or development of youth-led and for-youth associations.
Eurodesk Network and the AMEUP hold the yearly Time to Move campaign that promotes mobility and non-formal learning.