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6. Education and Training

6.9 Awareness-raising about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Information providers / counselling structures
  2. Awareness raising initiatives

Information providers / counselling structures

In the initial Plan of action of the Youth Strategy 2030 (Plan de acción de la Estrategia Juventud 2030), and as regards to the Axis of Education and Training, promoting non-formal and informal education was one of the main objectives of the Plan and was therefore among the main actions. In order to accomplish this goal, the main entity in charge of providing information related to non-formal and informal learning is the Youth Institute (INJUVE), affiliated to the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda (Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030).

Moreover, INJUVE has also the responsability of coordinating the Network of Youth Information Centers (Red de Centros de Información Juvenil) by setting its common objectives and collaborating with the different regional and local centers. Finally, the INJUVE has also created an online search engine in order to facilitate the contact of the youngsters with their nearest center of information.

The Council of Ministers approved the first Youth Action Plan 2022-24, promoted by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and the Youth Institute. It is an action plan containing 200 measures focusing on youth and its problems (emancipation, housing, education and youth employment). Also among the priorities established is the recognition of non-formal and informal education (recognition of non-formal education).

Awareness raising initiatives

As previously stated, promoting non-formal and informal learning and youth work is also one of the tasks of the INJUVE, which disseminates information and publications on youth work and non formal learning.

One of the main iniciatives in order to raise awareness in this matter is the University of Youth and Development, which last annual edition took place in 2019 due to the pandemic situation. This event is hosted and organised by INJUVE and an affiliated entity, the Eurolatinamerican Center for Youth (CEULAJ), and supported by national and international actors, such as the European Youth Forum. The goal of this activity is to give the participants the necessary tools for becoming active citizens by informal and non-formal learning methods.

The figure of the Youth worker in Spain is not as incipient as its recognition. Of great importance in the area of promoting non-formal and informal learning is derived from youth work and volunteering, some initiatives are trying to make their role known locally and regionally.