6.9 Awareness-raising about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work
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Information providers / counselling structures
As part of the awareness–raising about non-formal and informal learning the Center for Lifelong learning organizes the manifestation “Days of lifelong learning” on a regular basis since 2002. The manifestation encompasses activities like public debates, trainings, conferences and cultural events, with the aim to promote the concept of lifelong learning and raise the awareness of the citizens about its importance. “Days of lifelong learning” is also a national education campaign that aims at fostering the realization of the idea for lifelong learning. The event is not particularly intended for young people, and it target all persons over 18 years of age.
Main information provider for non-formal and informal education funded by the state budget is National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility. The Agency is publishing information and open calls on their web page. Occasionally, the Ministry of Education and Science is also publishing some information for non-formal educational opportunities for youth, but most of the information providers are coming from the CSO sector and are not funded by the Government.
Awareness raising initiatives
In North Macedonia there is not systematic approach aiming to raise awareness about the importance of non-formal and informal learning.
However, in the new National Youth Strategy (2023-2027), one of the strategic goals is the active involvement of young people in the non-formal education system, along with the provision of institutional and financial support for the same. This underscores a commitment to recognizing and nurturing the role of non-formal education in the overall development of young individuals. The strategy places a strong emphasis on institutional support for programs in non-formal education, aiming to create an environment where these initiatives can thrive. Additionally, financial backing is considered a crucial aspect, ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of non-formal education efforts.
In the past few years’ state authorities started to support some concrete initiatives. Thus, in March 2018 started the first phase of the project “Education for Employment”. Currently (December 2023) the second phase of the project is being implemented, by the Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Macedonian Civic Education Center and Economic Chamber of Macedonia in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy as well as other relevant ministries, state institutions, high schools, municipalities, private companies and CSO’s. General aim of the project is to increase the number of young people who will find good jobs as a result of strengthening formal vocational education and non-formal education. Main target groups are: under and unemployed youth aged 15-29 including vocational education and training students, as well as reaching out to women, Roma and persons with disabilities.