6.9 Awareness-raising about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work
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Information providers / counselling structures
The Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth develops suitable mechanisms for supporting youth organisations and organizations for youth, which are of key importance for promoting active youth participation. Every year, the Office for Youth issues a public call for co-financing the programmes of youth organisations and organisations for youth, which are all eligible for co-financing. In 2021, according to the results of public tender for co-funding programmes of youth work in 2020 and 2021 (Review and evaluation of applications under the implementation of the Public Call for Co-financing of Youth Work Programs in 2020 and 2021; Pregled in vrednotenje prijav v okviru izvedbe Javnega poziva za sofinanciranje programov mladinskega dela v letih 2020 in 2021), there were:
- 13 national youth organisations,
- 70 youth centres and
- 38 other non-governmental organisations.
The Employment Service of Slovenia is also one of the main actors carrying out non-formal education for young people, and it provides valuable information regarding specific local programmes of non-formal education. As part of the programme, job seekers can take part in various training and training sessions for the jobs and tasks that employers ask for. They can gain additional knowledge and skills that they can apply in a specific job, and increase their job prospects.
Web portal mlad.si is intended for all young people in the Republic of Slovenia and for youth workers. All the necessary information about youth can be found on the portal, including all the opportunities that are offered to young people outside the education process and the first work experience. The portal connects in substance the three main entry points and sections, meaningfully forming the life cycle of young people, their needs and the desire to actively spend their free time and meet the challenges of the age between 15 and 29.
Dostop.si is also a web portal, established by Student Union of University of Maribor, primarily more focused on student population, however, contains all the relevant information for general youth, including event calendar, columns, tips and advice.
Talentiran.si, web portal by Nefiks Institute, the leading system of recording non-formal acquired knowledge in Slovenia, which allows young people to systematically collect all non-formal acquired and certified competences in one place. The portal offers relevant news and upcoming events, where young people and youth workers can participate.
Awareness raising initiatives
According to the Action Plan for National Programme for Youth 2013-2022 for 2020–2021 (Izvedbeni načrt Resolucije o nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013–2022 za leti 2020 in 2021), the measure named 'non-formal education and training for youth' aims to contribute to the sustainable inclusion of young people in the labour market. To this end, it promotes varied programmes of non-formal learning and training. The measure also aims to raise awareness, such as promoting the importance of training and acquired knowledge during non-formal education. The Employment Service of Slovenia (Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje) carries out the measure. The Office for Youth also promotes non-formal learning processes to increase competencies among youth transitioning from childhood to adulthood.