1.3 National youth strategy
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Existence of a National Youth Strategy
On December 21, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the Guidelines for Child, Youth and Family Development 2022-2027 (henceforth - Guidlines ), which defines the goals and directions for youth policy in Latvia.
On December 19, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the Youth Policy Implementation Plan for 2023-2024, which defines the goals, directions and tasks for youth policy in Latvia.
Every year the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) elaborates on its three-year programme The State Program for Youth Policy, which includes particular measures and activities for implementing youth policy within the Guidelines. The funding allocated for the implementation of youth policy is then given based on the annual programme’s slice of the state budget.
Scope and contents
The goal of youth policy set out in the Guidelines is to create opportunities for the development and welfare of all young people, to strengthen the inclusion of young people in society and their participation in all areas of life, as well as to promote the creation of a qualitative and sustainable system for working with youth at the national and municipal levels.
The third goal of the guidelines is "Development of youth, improvement of quality of life and strengthening of participation", and the following action directions are defined:
- Development and creation of a qualitative and sustainable system for working with youth;
- Promotion of broader and more active participation of young people;
- Encouragement of acquisition of skills and competencies necessary for the labor market and independent living.
Also relevant to youth is the 2nd goal of the Guidelines, which is "Equal opportunities for especially supported groups of children and young people", and the 4th defined action direction: Promotion of inclusion for youth with fewer opportunities.
The State Program for Youth Policy for 2023-2025 has been developed to ensure effective and coordinated implementation of youth policy in Latvia and to ensure the implementation of tasks set in long-term and medium-term development planning documents and the achievement of result indicators in the field of youth. The measures included in the program are put forward, taking into account European Union and national level development planning documents that set the priorities of the youth policy sector. The measures of the program are implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Agency for International Youth Programs, and the State Education Content Center. The recipients of the program's funding are the Ministry of Education and Science, the Agency for International Youth Programs, and the State Education Content Center, as well as the project implementers and service providers specified in open project competitions.
Also, each institution within their field of competence drafts an annual work programme, which includes actions for specific target groups, including particular youth groups (drug abusers, unemployed young people, etc).
Responsible authority for the implementation of the Youth Strategy
The Department of Policy Initiatives and Development within the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) is primarily responsible for youth policies and issues. Its major tasks include promoting cooperation, implementing youth measures, organizing training for youth workers, and enabling access to information. Municipalities take responsibility for implementing youth policy through the creation of local youth policy planning documents. A Youth Advisory Council exists to promote a coherent youth policy and encourage youth participation in decision-making and public life.
Youth Policy Implementation Plan for 2025-2027 currently is in the coordination stage.