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EACEA National Policies Platform
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. Youth Policy Governance

1.3 National youth strategy

Last update: 17 May 2024

BiH does not have a national youth strategy, but each entity and BD have their own youth policies.

The FBiH Government, in a session held in October 2023, upon the proposal of the FBiH Ministry of Culture and Sports, adopted a Decision initiating the process of drafting the FBiH Youth Policy until 2027. The Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports coordinates and leads the process of drafting the Youth Poliy, respecting the principles of horizontal and vertical coordination, with a deadline for its completion set at six months from the date of entry into force of this decision.

The RS National Assembly adopted the fourth RS Youth Policy 2023-2027 in January 2023.

The RS Youth Policy 2023-2027 focuses on four strategic priorities:

  • Improve opportunities and interests of youth for a better life (sustainable stay and return) in RS.

  • Encourage youth initiative and responsible action in the community.

  • Promote the development of healthy lifestyles among youth and responsible environmental attitudes.

  • Promote excellence and serve as examples for youth.

Key strategic projects include:

  • Establishment of a resource youth center.

  • Support program for young entrepreneurs "Startup Srpska“.

  • Establishment of the first science and technology park in RS.

The process of creating the document is technically supported by the EU4CS project (EU for Civil Society), and the "General Mobilization" program for youth retention in BiH, funded by the EU Delegation to BiH, as well as the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The BD Assembly, in a session held in February 2023, adopted the BD Youth Strategy 2022-2026. The basic strategic objectives of the BD Youth Strategy are:

  1. Empowered employment support system, competitive economy of the BD BiH, and improved education system serve as a platform through which BD responds to the needs of youth, creating concrete opportunities for youth in the labor market in BD.

  2. Enhanced systems and services to support youth in the field of social care, information, and health create a better living environment for the youth BD BiH.

  3. BD BiH recognizes youth as active actors who actively contribute to the development and implementation of youth policies and programs and EU integration.

Responsible authority for the implementation of the youth strategy

The Youth Policy issues at national level are under the jurisdiction of the Commission for Coordination of Youth Issues in BiH. The Commission consists of nine members: four representatives come from the government institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, 2 representatives; FBiH Ministry of Culture and Sports, 1 representative; RS Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, 1 representative), while there are five representatives of the youth NGO sector in BiH. The 2009 Decision of the BiH Council of Ministers reconstructed the composition and position of the Commission for Coordination of Youth Issues in BiH. Accordingly, the Commission is established within the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, instead of being established as a permanent body of the Council of Ministers of BiH.

The competencies at the entity level in the field of youth are within the following institutions:

RS Ministry of Family, Youth and SportsFBiH Ministry of Culture and SportsAssembly of BD

The BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs has the competence over the work of the Commission for Coordination of Youth Issues in BiH. With the 2009 Decision, the Commission for Coordination of Youth Issues in BiH became a standing body within the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH. This decision was taken to establish the conditions for a more effective and efficient performance of the Commission.

In RS, the RS Ministry of Family, Youth and Sport is the government authority responsible for the implementation, coordination and monitoring of the RS Youth Policy.  

The RS Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, within its legal competence, prepares and submits to the National Assembly or the RS Government, draft, legal and sub-legal acts as well as other act of interest for the RS. The Ministry of Youth and Sport implements the youth related activities through the Youth Department. The Youth ​​​​Department performs tasks relating to the following: determination of the National Action Plan and RS Youth Policy and its implementation; creation of conditions to address youth issues such as youth employment, improvement of their social status, inclusion into society; implementation of youth projects; encouraging active participation of the youth in the society; establishment of youth centres; cooperation with the youth organizations; international cooperation in the domain of organization and activity of the youth.

The FBiH Ministry of Culture and Sport carries out the administrative, expertise and other tasks as laid down by the legislation related to the competencies of FBiH in the following areas:

  • researching-scientific activity in the field of protection and use of cultural-historical heritage, museums, archives, libraries, publishing, theatre, music, fine arts, film and show business activities. 

  • work of citizens’ organizations and associations in the field of arts, culture, sport, and youth. 

  • improvement of sport and physical culture. 

  • definition of development strategies in culture, sport, and youth, as well as other tasks laid down by the legislation governing this field.

The FBiH Ministry of Culture and Sport implements the youth related activities through the Youth Department. The Youth Department performs the following tasks related to overall institutional mechanisms of the government's services for young people:

  • cooperation and coordination tasks with the youth sector and youth associations to study the needs and problems of young people; 

  • defining and proposing a FBiH youth policy; 

  • establishing and maintaining comprehensive youth database in cooperation with other institutions in FBiH; 

  • conducting activities related to informing young people and strengthening youth involvement in decision-making processes; 

  • defining, establishing and implementing a program of action for youth in the areas of competence of the Ministry; 

  • planning of special funds in the budget to execute tasks arising from the FBiH Youth Law; 

  • monitoring the implementation of existing programs in the field of youth at the FBiH level; 

  • the coordination of international cooperation related to youth; definition of procedures and training certification of youth; 

  • developing analyses, reports, information, reports, studies, programs, plans, estimates and other technical, information, planning, documentation and analytical materials in the field of youth; 

  • professional processing the system solutions of importance to young people, and 

  • performing other tasks in order to protect the interests of young people.


The FBiH Youth Policy is yet to be adopted and youth policies of RS and BD have been recently adopted for a period of four years. Upon the expiry of this period, there will be a new revision of the policies that will be adopted for the next period of four years.